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上面有他的广告。There was his ad.

从上面攻击!Attack from above!

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放些起司在上面。Cheese on the top.

在上面的玫瑰之下。neath roses above.

高高地飞在天空上面。High up in the sky.

我在怪物的上面。I’m on the monster.

刚好在边界上面Exactly on the border.

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我赌卧室疚在上面。My bedroom just above.

上面是怎么说的?多莉!What does it say? Dory!

能带我去上面吗?。Can you take me topside?

含上面的易货收入。See barter income above.

看看上面的图表吧。See that chart up above?

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只要把上面的过程反过来。Just reverse the process.

我的卧室就在上面。My bedroom is just above.

这上面烫了个大洞!There's a big hole in it!

有一朵云在我屋上面。A cloud is above my house.

特纳一家人住在我们的上面。The Turners live above us.

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房子建在河上面。The house is over a river.

当然是你想要集中的东西上面。What you want to focus on.

从供应曲线上面跳下去吧!Go jump off a supply curve!