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这将是他证明自己的天赐良机。It will be a heaven-sent opportunity to prove himself.

对于这位72岁的演员,卡林的书不啻是个天赐良机。Carlin's book came as a godsend to the 72-year-old actor.

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拂晓是一个欣赏亚马逊雨林的天赐良机。DAYBREAK is a heavenly time to look on the Amazonian canopy.

对于奥巴马来说,共和党态度软化的迹象乃天赐良机。For Barack Obama, these signs of Republican softening are a godsend.

多数不忠的男人把偷情看做天赐良机,并且减少卷入其中的人。Most unfaithful men see affairs as high opportunity and low involvement.

对于部分幸运的囤积者们,这是洋洋得意并大肆朵颐的天赐良机。For the few lucky hoarders , this is a time to feel both smug and predatory.

他把这一次机会愚蠢地自称为“天赐良机”。This time the opportunity presented what he fatuously termed to himself 'cinch.

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无疑,这样的旅行也是收集一些白宫的装饰性钢笔、便笺和其它异彩缤纷的小玩艺儿的天赐良机。It's also a golden opportunity to stock up on White House knickknacks-pens, notepads and other.

我就坐在肯尼旁边,所以我能够和这样一个大人物交谈真是天赐良机啊!I sat next to Kenny on the coach and it was very much a case of me speaking when I was spoken to!

而其自身的战略思想与外交政策也应该抓住这一天赐良机。South Korea's own strategic thinking and diplomacy should take full advantage of the opportunity.

大幅降息对不少正欲贷款购房、买车的人来说是天赐良机。Many trying to sharply cut interest rates on loans to home buyers, people who buy a car is a heaven-sent opportunity.

北京奥运会是这些团体个人磨拳擦掌,试图捣乱的天赐良机。The Beijing Olympics is a godsend for these groups because it affords them the opportunity to disrupt the torch relay.

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他把这些敌人的出现当作天赐良机,正好把基督教护教学带入一个新时代。He regards the emergence of such enemies as a God-given opportunity to bring Christian apologetics into the new century.

对于那些主张增加英国各银行董事会女性董事人数的人而言,最近的乱局简直是天赐良机。For those championing an increase in the number of women on British bank boards, this latest debacle is manna from heaven.

特里紧抓简·罗伊身上的公众价值,称她的皈依是“天赐良机”。Terry has grasped the PR worth of having Jane Roe on board, describing her conversion as of "inestimable value" to the cause.

天赐良机需握紧,但为耀歌无比光亮发光的成绩而展飞面扬!A heaven-sent opportunity to be clenched, but for the Yao-song performance and tremendous light emitting surface Yang Chin-fly!

我们西方工业化国家正面临着一个天赐良机,通过生态旅游,让大自然得以休养生息,再现生机。We in the Western industrialized nations have an incredible opportunity for restorative and regenerative change through ecotourism.

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接下来的5月27日是天赐良机,木星合相海王星,这会大大激发出你的天赋。The following day, May 27, you will have a divine aspect, Jupiter conjunct Neptune, allowing your seriously amazing talent to come out.

于是当远征军驻印军成立,孙立人邀他赴印度时,谢以为这几乎是天赐良机,或许他会因而取代孙立人。So when YinJun, was established in ref SunLiRen invited him to India, xie thought this was almost godsend, maybe he will thus replace SunLiRen.

我们也从来没有过这样的天赐良机,同时也是重大责任,去实现开国元勋们的梦想把我们的国家建设得更加美好。Never before have we had such a blessed opportunity and, therefore, such a profound obligation to build the more perfect union of our founders' dreams.