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曾记得,我寻遍寰宇,终于发现Remembering me, discover and see

日航留在寰宇一家具有极大价值.我们正与美国航空和其他联盟成员向日航展示这点.There is huge value for JAL in being in Oneworld.

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更久战役和危机,痛彻寰宇一切。Longer campaigns and crises, labors beyond all others.

如有任何查询,请致电2588-1291与寰宇希望联络。If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at 2588-1291.

如果你偏爱用底片捕捉寰宇风采,就参加摄影假期吧。If you prefer capturing the world on film, take a photography vacation.

寰宇财富俱乐部认为,“投资孩子的财商教育,是你最正确和最聪明的投资!”Obviously investing in your children is, in some ways, investing in yourself.

Vayama上纽约飞马德里的寰宇一家联盟特惠机票如以下方式显示The display of Vayama’s OneWorld Alliance special for JFK to Madrid looks like this

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是的,年轻人,意大利由于有了你们,得以成就这项寰宇称颂的伟业。Yes, young man, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe.

那么祖庙香火,冠于寰宇,为什么妈祖却还保持着原来的肤色呢?However, why burning incense in the ancestral temple is even more, but skin of Macau stays the same?

目前,默多克的激烈言辞似乎还没有减缓,而最近邓文迪的那一记“扣杀”却震惊寰宇。For the moment, the swipes seem not to haveabated. And the latest, most spectacular one came from Wendi.

誉炎人真诚期盼朋友遍及天下,公司声振寰宇!Praise a burning person sincerity to expect a friend all over world, the company voice flaps whole world!

如欲取消预约,申请人须在參观前五个工作天以书面通知科技寰宇。In case of cancellation, applicant has to inform Tech Universe in writing, 5 working days before the visit date.

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于是,Fly.com从纽约飞到马德里的机票搜索结果,将通过如下含有寰宇一家和星空联盟过滤选项的表格形式显示So for a JFK-Madrid flight search on, the grid displays OneWorld and Star Alliance filtering options like this

寰宇影音中心,位于金钟太古广场及中环置地广场,尖沙咀美丽华商场的分店亦快将于2011年春季开幕。Universal AV Centre is located in Pacific Place and Landmark. And their Miramar shop will be opening in the Spring of 2011.

寰宇影音中心,位于金钟泰初广场及中环置地广场,尖沙咀斑斓华商场的分店亦快将于2011年春季揭幕。Universal AV Centre is located in Pacific Place and Landmark. And their Miramar shop will be opening in the Spring of 2011.

它的光辉照耀寰宇,并延伸到其他黑暗的心灵内,将他们彻底转变为庄严之境。Its own radiance shines all around it, and extends out into the darkness of other minds, transforming them into majesty. T-7.

上主以自己的能力创造了大地,以自己的智慧奠定了寰宇,以自己的才智展布了诸天。He that made the earth by his power, that hath prepared the world by his wisdom, and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.

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假使受到拆分陶染,但中国电信的力量还是最强,不过苦于无寰宇网络,无法发展全国性的业务。Even though they are split, but the strength of China telecom, but most still suffer from the network, cannot carry no national business.

美国航空则表示,若失去日航这个盟友,将使得寰宇一家失去与日本间的联系,从而将迫使该公司另觅合作夥伴.For its part, American has conceded that losing JAL would cut off Oneworld's access in Japan and force it to look elsewhere for a partner.

供职于德意志银行的航空业分析家,杰夫范克拉韦伦认为,拒绝对“寰宇联盟”给予与其竞争对手同样的待遇是“非常不公平”的。Geoff van Klaveren, an aviation analyst at Deutsche Bank, says it would be "grossly unfair" not to give oneworld the same rights as the rival alliances.