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奥巴马现在是黑人文化的教父,一言九鼎。Obama is now the big Daddy in black culture and when he speaks it’ll matter.

众口铄金、一言九鼎为公司赢得了较高的占有率。Public clamor can melt metals, authoritative, the company has won a high share.

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正所谓一言九鼎的出处就是帝王一诺千金的象征!Is the source of the so-called authoritative, is the symbol of the emperor as good as gold!

但这样的荒唐论调被一道诏书给废止了,颁布这道诏书的正是一言九鼎的西奥多·罗斯福。That nonsense was ended by an edict from no less a wielder of strong opinion than Teddy Roosevelt.

严先生说,三巨头一言九鼎,生产的热门品牌包括索尼,惠普,戴尔,宏碁与诺基亚。The three companies are behemoths in their own right, producing goods for a roster of blue-chip brands, including Sony, HP, Dell, Acer and Nokia.

三年后,在带领民众推翻了法国王室之后,丹东被任命为司法部长并成为国会中一言九鼎的人物。Three years later Danton had led the overthrow of the French monarchy, been appointed first minister of France and was the dominant voice in the National Convention.

三年后,在带领民众推翻了法国王室之后,丹东被任命为司法部长并成为国会中一言九鼎的人物。Three years later Danton had led the overthrow of the French monarchy , been appointed first minister of France and was the dominant voice in the National Convention.

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九妹知道母亲向来一言九鼎,求夜犬劝母亲取消婚事,因为她只拿他当亲哥哥看,而且她已经和四喜私定终身了。Nine younger sister know mother always narain, o night advised mother to cancel the marriage, because she just take him as a brother, and she had four xi together for life.

肠道之小脑,和我们大脑相连,有时它能决定我们的精神状态,有时对某些疾病,更是一言九鼎。The little brain in our innards, in connection with the big one in our skulls, partly determines our mental state and plays key roles in certain diseases throughout the body.

公司秉承“一言九鼎,诚信为本”的经营理念,将以优良的产品品质,严谨的商务规范,与国内外客商建立良好的商务往来。Winning has established good business cooperation with our customers both at home and abroad on the basis of its sincere business practice, excellent products quality and rigorous business approaches.