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这样的民主是否正是亡国亡台之路!Is not such a democracy squarely on the road to national perdition?

三国都在不安的观望,没有一国能付得起小小的吉尔吉斯坦亡国的代价。All are looking on uneasily, and none can afford for tiny Kyrgyzstan to fail.

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离合器踢球,亚当维纳特瑞,庆祝作为亡国连胜第二周蛋白原。Clutch kicker, Adam Vinatieri, celebrates as hits a game winning FG in week 2.

1840年以来,亡国灭种的危机一直威胁着千年古国。Since 1840 capturing the crisis has been threatened with extinction years old.

儒家推崇的就是这些礼乐,把流行乐看成是郑卫之声,亡国之音。Confucianist inthroned these rite-music and considered popular music as decadent one.

一秒钟就可以改变世界!一句话可救国,可亡国,可救人,可毁人。A second can change the world! A word, can subscribe to saving the can, can save a person, can ruin.

大臣心急如焚,向国王痛陈利弊,说弄不好会亡国。Chancellery is fraught, to fraud of kingly painful Chen Li, say to handle bad meeting a conquered nation.

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批评竟陵派的诗学主张“幽情单绪”,并认为他们的诗是“亡国之音”。He also criticized their "exquisite feeling" poetry opinion and thought they were the sign of nation's subversion.

内争的重要影响是分裂与亡国,是武人政治的延续,体制演进的阻滞。The consequence of the inner struggle was the disruption of the state, the continuation of the army-men politics, and.

她是夏国的亡国公主,也是三朝帝王的挚爱,却只能终身为妃。She is the surviving Princess of the Empire of Xia and the true love of three Emperors, yet destined to only be a consort.

这也就是为什么孔子对阳虎采取“默摈”的态度,又对遭遇亡国之难的陈国人表现鄙夷的言行。This is also why Confucius ignored Yang Hu and expressed disgust for the citizens of Chen who had just lost their own state.

徐铉亡国和三次贬谪的人生经历,造就了他较为丰富的诗歌内容和情感体验。Experience of homeland being conquered and three time's exiling brought him richer poetry content and the emotion experience.

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这里的“亡国”是现代意义上的政权消亡,这里的“亡天下”则是现代意义上的民族国家的沦亡。" Here, "nation" is a modern sense, the power to vanish, and Here, "the world perish" is a modern sense, the end of the nation-state.

庄辛见楚王如此宠信那些腐败的大臣,相信楚国必定要亡国。Seeing that the king is especially fond of those corrupt officials and trust them in everything, the minister thought Chu is bound to extinct.

艳诗这一诗歌品类历来备受争议,梁陈以后更是背上亡国之音的恶名。Amorous poetry has invited controversies and gained a bad reputation of being the sound presaging the fallen state after the Liang and Chen Dynasties.

蔡京是北宋亡国前权倾朝野20余年的一代巨奸,历代史家对他评价几乎一无是处。Cai Jing was a treacherous court official who held the power in and out of the court for more than 20 years before the Northern Song dynasty perished.

庄辛见楚王如此宠信那些腐败的大臣,相信楚国必定要亡国。Seeing that the king was especially fond of those corrupt officials and trusted them in everything, the minister thought Chu was bound for extinction.

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极左路线是一条祸国殃民的路线,亡党亡国的路线。The Ultra-Leftist line was a line that would have wrecked a country, ruined the people, and led to the destruction of the Party and national subjugation.

仇远倾向于选择具有阴柔、纤小特性的物象,美感类型上趋向于冷淡、灰暗、萧疏,这和他亡国后“悲”“愁”“怨”“恨”的情感类型相一致。Qiu Yuan tended to select soft and tenuous objects and cold, dark, desolate natural scenes to express such emotions as sorrow, anxiety, discontent and hatred.

朝鲜亡国到现在不过三十余年,而其国内的人民早已为日寇的奴化教育所麻醉。North Korea subjugated to the more than thirty years now, however, and its people have long been home to the Japanese invaders of enslaving anesthesia education.