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我觉得需要打气。I think they need air.

给他打打气儿。To give him a pep talk!

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我永远都为你加油打气!I'll alwas be there for you!

我永远都为你加油打气!I'll always be there for you!

许多美国人都在为我们加油打气。Much of America was rooting for us.

用其他的方法给自己打气Use other methods to pump yourself up.

轮胎一打气就鼓起来。A tyre expands when you pump air into it.

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请您跟我们一同为阿粒打气!Let's cheer for Ah Lup to go all the way!

经理设法为选手们打气。The manager tried to hearten the players.

我们用鼓励的话给她打气。We raised her spirits with encouragement.

把电话屏幕刷新和帮你加油打气!Get Phone Screen to refresh & cheer you up!

车胎又没气了,总得打气。My tire is flat again, It always needs air.

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她看起来很伤心。让我为她加油打气。She looks really sad. Let me go pump her up.

他把气球打气打得太多了,它爆了。He put too much air into the balloon and it burst.

你能借给我个打气筒给车胎打打气吗?。Can you lend me a pump to blow up my bicycle tyres?

可以帮我给游泳圈打气吗?Could you please help me to inflate my Swimming ring?

我把自行车轮胎打气打得太足了,所以车胎爆破了。I put too much air into the bicycle tyre and it burst.

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依偎在一起为你们最爱的球队加油打气。Snuggle up together as you cheer onyour favorite team.

一些本地歌星和988的电台主播也来到现场为我们打气。A few local stars and DJ from 988 were here to support.

每天都来为我们的哥哥们加油打气!Encourage to inflate for our the elder brothers everyday!