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手术之后医生规定他吃流食。The doctor put him on a liquid diet after operation.

医生规定这个生病的孩子吃流食。The doctor prescribed a juice diet for the sick child.

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他们被给予一种流食配方,每天提供600热卡。They were given a liquid formula providing 600 calories a day.

今天我喉咙肿了,只能吃流食。Today, my throat is really swollen so I can only drink liquid.

他们被给予一种流食配方,每天提供600热卡。They were given a liquid formula providing 600 calories a day1.

我希望能在待产的第一阶段自己进一些流食。I would like to be able to have fluids by mouth throughout the first stage of labor.

而且还有冷的食物,流食,软性食物,硬的食物和水果味的食物可供选择。And there is also cold food, liquid food, soft food, hard food, and jelly-filled food.

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然而,你必须至少能够摄取流体食物,最好是含炭水化合物的流食。However, you must be able to drink liquids and, preferably, carbohydrate-containing fluids.

您应当彻底休息并尽量减轻胃的工作,应当吃流食。You should have a complete rest and give your stomach as little work as possible. Take only fluids.

对患儿增加流食的摄入,包括增加母乳喂养的次数,并给予稀软可口的食物。increase fluid intake during illness, including more breastfeeding, and offer soft, favourite foods.

在一个支架上挂着注射袋,他通过这个获得自己的食物-高蛋白流食。There was an IV bag on a pole through which he was fed the high-protein liquid that made up his diet.

与传统流食相比,可以改善患者营养状况和细胞免疫功能。Compared with traditional liquid diet, it could ameliorate nutritional status and cell immune function.

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目的探讨可回收防反流食管支架对贲门失弛缓症的治疗作用。Objective To explore the curative effects of recycled anti-reflux esophageal stents on cardiac achalasia.

如果你超过12个小时连流食都不能吃,就应该立刻去看医生了。If you are unable to hold down any fluids for more than 12 hours, you need to seek medical help immediately.

玛格丽特·汉密尔顿的妆让她吃饭困难,因此整个拍片期间她一直都在吃流食。Margaret Hamilton's makeup could not be ingested, so she lived almost entirely on a liquid diet during filming.

哥伦比亚大学医学中心的研究人员对六位采用流食的肥胖症住院患者的进食量进行了精确控制。The Columbia researchers carefully controlled the intake of six hospitalized obese patients using liquid diets.

在美田医院两周之后,她已经好转并可以回家了,还能进食少量流食了。After two weeks in Fairfield, she was well enough to come home and able to tolerate small amounts of soft food by mouth.

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有时也被称为改进禁食法,因为能达到这样能量要求通常都是流食。These are sometimes called modified fasts because your food intake is so low and because they're generally liquid diets.

如今,我们都知道吸血鬼怕阳光,喜流食,不能在镜子中看到自己。但在最近的电影及科幻如今,我们都知道吸血鬼怕阳光,喜流食,不能在镜子中看到自己。VAMPIRES, we know by now, are allergic to the sun, enjoy a liquid-only diet and cannot stand to see themselves in the mirror.

在听过他的症状自述并为他做了检查之后,我建议他多吃流食、多休息,同时服用止咳药和鼻血管收缩药。After hearing about his symptoms and examining him, I suggested fluids, rest and maybe a cough suppressant and nasal decongestant.