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我会搜出“狐狸”和她的党羽。I'll ferret out Fox and her gang.

这个单位在克罗地亚参与反党羽操作。This unit took part in anti-partisan operations in Croatia.

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楚剑功心里暗暗的问,为咸丰培养党羽么?Chu sword achievement the in the idea secretly inquire, is a salty plentiful evolution party plume?

但不同党羽争权夺利时,有军队做后盾就很关键。However, when different factions jockey fiercely for power, the support of the military is crucial.

国际诈骗犯和他们的党羽已经将勒姆尼库·沃尔恰打造成为有组织犯罪的国际中心。Internet scammers and their underlings have turned Râmnicu Vâlcea into a hub of international organized crime.

同时,特黎丰又派步兵和骑兵,前往加里肋亚和大平原,去消灭约纳堂的一切党羽。Then Tryphon sent an army and horsemen into Galilee, and into the great plain to destroy all Jonathan's company.

然而,他的党羽已开始利用这些事件来为社会民主主义及加税寻求支持。Its partisans, however, have begun using these incidents to shore up support for the agenda of social democracy and higher taxes.

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巴博总统和仅剩的党羽以及共和国卫队躲藏在堡垒一样的总统府内。President Gbagbo is holed up inside the fortress-like presidential mansion with his last remaining allies and the Republican Guard.

但痛苦一直跟随他,他在三十五岁时,太太莎朗泰特被查理斯文逊及其党羽以残暴的手法杀死。Pain has followed Polanski. When he was thirty-five, his wife Sharon Tate was brutally murdered by Charles Manson and his followers.

东子的决心使邻居们感到吃惊。“你兄弟是柯增强的党羽,你怎么敢斗争呢?”他们问道。Tungse's determination startled his neighbors. "Your brother is a follower of Ko Tseng-chiang. How do you dare struggle?" they asked.

听说,一略微小如一只胡蝶扇动党羽的事务,终极却有可能导致半个地球以外的一场飓风。It has been said that somethellong as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world.

从这种观点看——被他们的党羽所包围——他们开始相信“他们不应受约束普通人的准则的束缚”From that viewpoint — and surrounded by acolytes — they can begin to believe "they are exempt from the rules that govern ordinary behavior."

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他娶了皇帝最小也是最喜欢的女儿为妻进一步巩固了这层关系,致使他有能力拉拢党羽和排除异己。He strengthened those ties by marrying the emperor's youngest and favorite daughter, giving Ho-Shen the power to make or break other officials.

和他信先生相比,沙马先生似乎相当廉洁,至于他将前者的亲信党羽招致内阁就另当别论了。At least by Thai standards Mr Samak seemed fairly clean himself, except insofar as he put Mr Thaksin’s friends and their relations into his cabinet.

但是,地方领导人却害怕密谋会取而代之、土地落入总统马欣达的亲信党羽手中??他们大都来自操着僧伽罗语的南方。But local leaders fear plots will instead be handed to henchmen of the president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, most of whom come from the Sinhala-dominated south.

巴拉维被基地组织党羽青年党控制。青年当目前正在与摩加迪沙政府进行战争,试图在索马里成立一个伊斯兰国家。Barawe is controlled by al-Qaida linked group al Shabab, which is currently battling the government in Mogadishu to establish an Islamic state in Somalia.

他的儿子娶乾隆最小也是最喜欢的女儿为妻进一步巩固了和绅的地位,并使他有能力拉拢党羽和排除异己。He strengthened those ties by making his son marry the emperor's youngest and favorite daughter, giving Ho-Shen the power to make or break other officials.

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基地组织的许多党羽,例如也门分支几乎不会因本•拉登的死亡受到任何影响,因为本•拉登几乎没有控制该分支的行动。Many groups affiliated to al-Qaeda, like the offshoot in Yemen, will be barely affected by Bin Laden’s death since he exercised little operational control.

第四,这些人中还有一部分人同社会上的一些流氓组织以及“四人帮”的一些党羽相勾结,以扩大他们的破坏活动的范围。Fourth, some of these people work hand in glove with gangster organizations and followers of the Gang of Four, trying to expand the scope of their sabotage.

虽然宗教孤独的存在,大多数的宗教,都有一个社会问题,导致其党羽,以形成一个共同体,这可能是较多或较少组织严密。Although religious solitaries exist, most religion has a social aspect that leads its adherents to form a community, which may be more or less tightly organized.