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说来离奇It was a strange thing.

情节变得更曲折离奇。The plot gets more involved.

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事实常常比小说更离奇。Fact is often stanger than fiction.

我喜欢情节曲折离奇的动作片。I like films with plenty of action.

一部关于单恋的离奇影片。A quirky film about unrequited love.

真事常常比小说还离奇!Truth is often strange than fiction!

你曾经历过离奇诡异的事情么?。Tattling ur quirkiness-story with us.

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说说你经历过的最诡异离奇的事情。Tattling your quirkiness-story with us.

他说了一些非常离奇的事。He said some really off –the-wall things.

那时正流传著种种离奇的谣言。Strange rumors were then being bandied about.

事实上,我想他说的是这真够古怪离奇的。In fact, I think he said it was downright weird.

不喜欢打字的离奇的移动电话键盘?Don't like typing on quirky mobile phone keypads?

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幻觉内容离奇古怪,变化多端。The content of bizarre hallucinations and changeable.

这是一桩离奇的案子。"This is a weird one. Strange, " Richfield police Lt.

英国男子吃自制咖喱酱后离奇死亡疑被辣椒辣死。That's why I do not have food with hot sauce or chili.

这场危机也制造了一些离奇的数据.The crisis was also throwing out some surreal numbers.

所有的一切,在这个离奇的哑谜中,是无法解释的。Everything about this singular enigma was inexplicable.

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斯鲁特脑子里早把这次深夜的离奇谈话淡忘了。This strange talk in the night faded from Slote's mind.

离奇的是,为什么他们建立这样的地形模型?Uncanny. Why would they build such a model of a terrain?

许多成年和幼年的牛也离奇死亡。Many adult and young buffalo have also died mysteriously.