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我衷心感谢艾奥瓦的公民们。Thank you, Iowa.

日安,女公民。Good day citizeness.

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谁应该是一个公民?Who should be a citizen?

他是一位品格端正的公民。He is an upright citizen.

作奉公守法的公民?To be a law-abiding citizen?

世界银行是否资助公民社会组织?Does the World Bank fund CSOs?

假如非美国公民赢得奖金如何领取?What if a non-US citizen wins?

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又在这儿散步了么,女公民?Walking here again citizeness ?

每个公民都应当守法。Every citizen ought to obey law.

1958年我们成为美国公民。We became U.S. citizens in 1958.

那么就会举行公民投票。Then there would be a plebiscite.

三位记者都是辛巴威的公民。All three are Zimbabwean citizens.

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他们不一定是公民,我们是否应该。They are not necessarily citizens.

他们1984年才成为美国公民。They only became citizens in 1984.

只有公民有选举资格。Only citizens are eligible to vote.

我们中国公民享受公费医疗。We Chinese enjoy free medical care.

公民的存在要归功于法律。owes his very existence to the laws.

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他说,他反对黑人拥有公民权利。He said he opposed Negro citizenship.

当然是Riverdale的公民啊。The citizens of Riverdale, of course.

又在这儿散步了么,女公民?What? Walking here again, citizeness?