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这些是刨床还是机床?Are these planers or lathes?

包括手工铸模&刨床,珠宝匠除外。Category includes hand molders &shapers except jewelers.

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另外还有车床镗床刨床等设备。Another boring machine planer lathes and other equipment.

金属板的表面粗糙度通过喷砂和刨床加工控制。The surfaces of metal plates were made by peening with glass spheres and planer.

主要对提高刨床动态测试数据精度的方法进行了研究。The paper mainly studied the way of improving planer dynamic test data precision.

本厂的生产设备有车床、铣床、刨床、钻床等。Our production facilities have lathes, milling machines, planer, drill press , and so on.

介绍了一种用数控刨床加工罗茨鼓风机扭叶转子的方法。A method to machining twisted impeller of Roots blower with NC shaping machine was introduced.

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该产品在车库、刨床、铣床的平面定向时是非常有价值的。It is most valuable when used on flat bearing surfaces of lathes, planers, milling machines, etc.

了解如何更改一台便携式厚度刨床在这个自由自己动手做木工刀片磨损视频。Learn how to change worn blades on a portable thickness planer in this free DIY woodworking video.

在刨床的运转过程中,会产生一定的声音信号,而且这种声音信号自身具有一定的特征。In this paper, we investigated and analyzed the sound signals arisen during no-load planer operation.

公司拥有18台冲床、8台车床、2台铣床、3台卷板机、磨床机、刨床机等设备。The company has 18 punch, 8 lathes, milling machines 2, 3 machine, grinder, planer and other equipment.

我们正在寻找一个教授的网站刨床/设计师谁将规划和设计我们的网站的新公司。I am starting a new company that will provide TV services to our customer over the internet using our set-top box's.

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运用复矢量法建立了刨床急回机构动态静力分析的力学模型。The mechanical model of the dynamic analysis of quick-return mechanism in the planer is established by complex vector method.

开动刨床后,不消站在滑枕的前面,操作时不得戴手套,不消随便拨动机件。After the planer starts, don't stand in front of the ram, don't wear the gloves while operating and don't move the part arbitrarily.

介绍了一种简易的数控刨床自动对刀和刀具磨损自动补偿方法。A kind of accurate and simple CNC planer automatic tool preset and tool abrasion automatic compensating method is described in this paper.

本文介绍一种数控刨床自动对刀和刀具磨损自动补偿方法。An accurate and simple method and device of automatic tool preset and abrasion automatic compensation for CNC planer is described in this paper.

本厂有车床、刨床、镗床、钻床、万能铣床、大型压力机为一体的机械加工单位。The factory has lathe, planer, boring machine, drilling machine, universal milling machines, large press as one of the mechanical processing units.

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机械加工设备齐全,有车床、铣床、刨床、摇臂钻、滚齿机、剪板机、折弯机等设备。Machining equipment, lathes, milling machines, planer, Rocker drilling, hobbing machine, cutting plate machine, bending machines and other equipment.

而立式主轴磨床既可以像卧式主轴磨床那样具有刨床式工作台也可以具有旋转工作台。However, grinding machines with vertical spindles can have either a planer type table like that of the horizontal-spindle machine or a rotating worktable.

电永磁吸盘可广泛地用于各种平面磨床,电加工机床吸持工件。强力电永磁吸盘还可用于铣床、钻床、刨床、镗床等机床吸持工件。It's widely applied to attract workpieces in surface grinders , electric processing machine-tools, as well as in casting, drilling, planning and boring machines.