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水火是忠仆,造灾成元凶。Fire and water are good servants but bad masters.

如果我告诉你,典狱长才是害死我老婆的元凶,你会怎么说?Why say that I told you that My wife is a murderer?

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手机是肘管综合征的元凶么?Are cell phones to blame for cubital tunnel syndrome?

在你旅行的眼里,这马上要来的台风,可是造成危险事件的元凶。The coming of the typhon will be a danger to your journey.

两个最知名的基因元凶并非导致她肌张力障碍。The two best-known gene culprits weren't causing her dystonia.

所以卡米拉并非查尔斯与戴安娜婚姻破碎的唯一元凶。It wasn’t just Camilla who wrecked the marriage of Charles and Di.

氧化胆固醇可能是造成动脉堵塞的元凶。Oxidized cholesterol may be responsible for furring up the arteries.

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就算这趟旅程把我们都打倒了,元凶也只会是花旗杉和深刻的思考。This trip would be about Douglas firs and deep thoughts if it killed us.

为了居住小区的安全,她决定勇敢的面对元凶。Determined to make her neighborhood safe, she confronted the ringleaders.

这个平衡被打破也是地球气候变化的元凶。This ever-changing balance is what ultimately determines Earth's climate.

腰部脂肪是引发糖尿病或心脏病的元凶之一。Waist fat can also be a contributory factor in diabetes and heart disease.

在美国,吸烟是食管癌的主要元凶。Cigarette smoking is a major cause of esophageal cancer in the United States.

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该研究还补充道,畜牧业是导致氮污染的最大元凶之一。Livestock farming is one of the biggest causes of nitrogen pollution, it adds.

一些示威者指控政府军队时暴力行动的幕后元凶。Some demonstrators have accused government forces of being behind the violence.

江宇晓得一切悲剧的元凶是父亲崔钟达后痛苦不已。JiangYu know all the culprit is the father CuiZhong tragedy of pain unceasingly.

另一方面,罗秀贤没有执行元凶的指示而私自出逃。On the other hand, Luo Xiuxian did not execute instructions to escape the culprit.

缺乏安全感和自信是导致怯场和紧张的元凶。Insecurity and lack of self-confidence lead to stage fright and performance anxiety.

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他的母亲至今仍坚信这个地毯工厂主是背后的元凶之一。His mother remains convinced that the carpet factory owner had a hand in his killing.

韩德培误会马翠芬为杀妹元凶,必欲除之而后快。Han Depei misunderstanding Ma Cuifen to kill sister culprit, which must be eradicated.

每天锻炼身体。焦虑是睡眠元凶之一,“锻炼身体有助于减焦虑。”Exercise daily. “Exercise helps to reduce anxiety,” one of the main causes of sleep loss.