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我的友朋!That friend of mine!

李家指的正是李友朋大师。The "Li" is just Master Li Youpeng.

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罗斯,让我先容一下我的友朋。Rose, let me introduce my friend to you.

不能,除了野庭败员和密切的友朋以外。No. Except the family members or close friends.

友朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?Is it not a delight that friends should visit from afar?

人性的一面被揭示了一孤独时的黑暗的一面,而与友朋相处时闪闪发亮的光明的一面。The other side of the mind is now exposed — the dark side that comes uppermost in solitude, not the light side that shows in company.

第四节比较杜甫及其友朋的思想,希望具体展现子美心灵在他的时代属于特殊形态的事实。The fourth compares Tu's ideas with those of his companions, showing clearly that, within the contemporary intellectual context, Tu was an atypical element.

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看的练习是我们在友朋会里所采用的方法之一,它是基于我们通常并未看清楚眼前的事物。One of the methods we use in the Fellowship of Friends is something called the looking exercise. It is based on the fact that we usually do not see clearly what is right in front of us.

灾难过后,我们的心灵遭受到的痛苦无以复加,亲人离世,友朋无踪,满目疮痍,心内无限苍凉。After the disaster, our hearts suffered pain incapable of further increase, one's friends, without a trace, see evidence of people's distress everywhere, inside the mind of infinite desolation.

2010年12月12日,伴随着喜庆的鞭炮声,舞狮跃跃,各界友朋欢聚揭阳,共同庆祝揭阳宏和大厦正式落成。December 12, 2010, along with the festive sound of firecrackers, lion dance Yueyue, Jieyang all his friends gathered together to celebrate the official completion of Jieyang and building macros.