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香港山顶花园大厦。The Peak Garden, H. K.

我在地王大厦工作。I'm at the Diwang tower.

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德国国会大厦的墙壁板。The slab of Reichstag wall.

不希罕华丽的大厦。Not rare magnificent building.

被命名为霍利约克的大厦。The house hight after Holyoake.

大厦顶部有三个直升机停机坪。Three helipads are on the roof.

你是说西单图书大厦吧?You mean the Xidan Book Center?

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爸爸,图书大厦在哪里呢?Dad, where is the Book Building?

您是说西单图书大厦吧?A You mean the Xidan Book Center?

处身在太阳建立的大厦。In this mansion built by the sun.

中银大厦在香港是最高的。The note is on the topmost shelf.

我在那座大厦住了两个晚上。I spent two nights in the mansion.

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摩天楼只是高的大厦。Skycrapers are just tall building.

那个家族拥有一座气派的大厦。The family owns a lordly mans ion.

这大厦四周的庭园广阔。The mansion has extensive grounds.

你想去参观联合国大厦吗?You want to visit the UN building?

你能说出50州的议会大厦都叫什么名吗?Can you name the 50 state capitols?

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记得去参观地王大厦。Remember to visit the Diwang Tower.

出租车!请送我去新闻大厦。Taxi ! Please take me to News Plaza.

三套独立的系统使大厦实现其功能。Three separate systems make it work.