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我尝试去描画它。The way I've tried to depict it.

小丑在脸颊上描画出了圆圈。The clown had lipsticked circles on his cheeks.

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约翰把薄纸铺在地图上照着描画。By putting thin paper over the map, John traced it.

⊙、用一只黑色的铅笔,描画一出彩色的舞台默剧。Use a black pencil, painting a colorful stage mime.

所描画的士兵代表了来自不同的种族。All the soldiers depicted represent different races.

漫画把部长描画成长鼻子皮诺曹。Cartoons showed the Minister as a long-nosed Pinocchio.

我永远用爱恋的渴想来描画你。I paint you and fashion you ever with my love longings.

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用我那镶着明亮星辰的竹笔,我把月亮描画。With my bamboo pen holding bright stars, the moon I portray.

爱的秋叶描画了青春,情的梦吟点缀了躲藏的悲凉。Love autumn leaves painted youth, love dream Yin with hide sadness.

香柏木木材、雕刻精美、镶嵌装饰并且描画涂漆。Cut from a cedar wood, it is exquisitely carved, inlaid and painted.

这是因为描画或雕刻人像在他们的宗教里是不被允许的。This was because it was against their religion to depict human beings.

这些引人入胜的文件是一幅赤裸裸描画权力滥用的浮世绘。They make fascinating reading and paint a stark portrait of power run amok.

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就连一向严肃的阿亚图拉肖像壁画也被重新描画,带上了亲切的笑容。Even the murals of scowling ayatollahs had been repainted with cordial smiles.

在教堂外,有一个纪念碑,描画了一个矿工在圣母玛利亚面前跪拜的情景。Outside the church, a memorial depicts a miner kneelingbefore the Virgin Mary.

一般情况下,人们都不画金正日,而是描画象征金正日的鲜红的。Kim the younger is instead often depicted by the blood-red Kimjongilia begonia.

被描画的皮肤柔顺地使模特的身体融入到二维的画作中去。Painted skin perceptually dissolves the body into a two dimensional caricature.

天文学家们,在描述他们的工作时,拥有一个天生的盟友来描画美丽的图案。Astronomers, in communicating their work, have a natural ally in beautiful images.

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当重心沿直线移动的时候,枝节就会描画出曲线的运动。When the centre of gravity is moved in a straight line, the limbs describe curves.

用灵动的色彩来描画入口或门厅,厨房和小角落也一样。Paint your entryway or hallway a fun color, the same for the kitchen and small nooks.

画家用多样的色彩,抽象的笔法描画了这幅冬日景象。Artists with a variety of colors, abstract strokes depicting the scene of this winter.