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巴林一名博主被严刑拷打。Bahraini blogger tortured.

他们以为我们不会拷打你!They think we won’t beat you!

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他们将犯人拷打致死。They tortured the prisoner to death.

他们折磨拷打她,把她的双乳切了下来。During these tortures her breasts were cut off.

芝加哥前警察因拷打犯人将面临高于30年的牢狱生涯。Ex-Chicago cop faces 30-plus years in torture case.

我会关闭关塔那摩基地监狱,禁止刑讯拷打。I will close the Guantanamo Bay prison and ban torture.

严刑拷打被以一种宗教主题的形式描绘出来。The subject of torture was depicted with a religious theme.

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我们不鼓励思考,拷打后会发生什么,因此我们对此不置一词。We're not encouraged to think about what happens next, so we don't.

他威胁要拷打科菲尔,但科菲尔仍辩解称自己是无辜的。When he threatens to torture Cofell, the man still pleads innocence.

哈沃克将费尔公主带到冥想室,在那里拷打她。Havok took Princess Fel to the Chambers of Persuasion, where he tortured her.

影佐将军带刑书媛来见已经被严刑拷打过的雪儿。Shadow with the general belt XingShu apologise to see snow had been tortured.

面对太田的严刑拷打,季德平沉默以对宁死不屈。Facing too, the field of torture, JiDePing silence to die rather than give in.

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并且,当真的被惹恼的时候,他们就逮捕和拷打民主活动分子。And, when it really gets irritated, it arrests and tortures democracy activists.

许多女人被控行巫术,遭受拷打后被施以火刑。Many women accused of practicing witchcraft were tortured or even burned to death.

马宏拷打着怀亚特使他昏死过去,然后又用心脏起博救醒他。He tortures him by allowing the monitor to shock him back every time he passes out.

这些士兵在敌人的手中遭受了各样的严刑拷打。The soldiers endured many kinds of torture when they were in the hands of the enemy.

为了让他们分开,她的父亲和叔叔拷打和杀害了这对夫妇,警方说。To keep them apart, her father and uncle tortured and killed the couple, police say.

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他说他开枪杀死奥斯瓦尔德是为了让他免遭肯尼迪家族的严刑拷打。He said he shot Oswald to prevent the Kennedy family from having to live through a trial.

所以善于审案的人,不必施行拷打,也可以把案情全部掌握。Without relying torture, he can obtain a complete understanding of the offender's situation.

经过两星期的拷打后那个不幸的人得到了逃脱不幸的机会.After a fortnight’s torture, the unfortunate man got an opportunity to escape the misfortune.