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保持凉爽。Stay cool.

保持其简短。Keep them short.

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保持良好的卫生习惯。Have good hygiene.

保持缆绳松弛。Keep towline slack.

保持缆绳绷紧。Keep towline tight.

法庭内保持肃静。Order in the court.

保持在这条车道。Stay in this lane.

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我们必须保持安静。We must keep quiet.

保持赤子之心。Stay young at heart.

说点题外话,保持轻松!Take my word for it.

保持云下能见。Keep clear of clouds.

身体要常保持清洁。Keep your body clean!

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驾驶时保持警觉。Be alert when driving.

让我们保持低调。Let's keep it low-key!

保持你的动力。Sustain your momentum.

你必须保持镇静。You must observe calm.

他保持着悲观主义。He remains a pessimist.

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保持双肩放松。Keep shoulders relaxed.

让这个窗口保持打开。Leave that window open.

保持窦性心动过速。Maintaining sinus tach.