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隐藏我的真面目,就像多利安‧葛雷一样。Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.

所以我认为我应该画出卡卡西的真面目。So I figured I would draw Kakashi's face.

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财富不会改变人,而是揭露人的真面目。Fortune does not change men, it unmasks them.

奇怪的是没有一个人来揭破真面目。It was strange that no one pricked the bubble.

但霍布斯揭穿了人类傲骄的真面目。And yet Hobbes is a great debunker of human pride.

所以你应该认识到这些低脂食品的真面目了。So that should tell you something about low fat diets.

“起码糖果够诚实,从不掩盖自己的真面目,”她说。“At least candy is honest about what it is, ” she said.

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古有副真面目,那就是迷信,也有套假面具,那就是虚伪。The past has a visage, superstition, and a mask, hypocrisy.

他们的诽谤只能充分暴露他们自己的真面目。Their slanders only serve to lay bare their own true features.

密电门的余波让首次让公众一窥信息战的真面目。The aftermath of Cablegate led to the first publicly viewable infowar.

谁占领了华尔街?在轰轰烈烈的六周运动后,真面目终于露出冰山一角。Who is Occupy Wall Street? After six weeks, a profile finally emerges.

但当纳粹党在德国当政后,他看清了纳粹的真面目。As nazism took hold of Germany, however, he saw nazism for what it was.

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如果我以真面目示人,所有人都会认出我来!If I came under my real appearance, everyone would surely recognise me!

那些见过你真面目的人,都吓走了。我是你戴著的面具。Those who have seen your face, Draw back in fear. I am the mask you wear.

你甚至可能猜到设计有限责任公司背后的真面目。and you may have even guessed that it's the real face behind Design, LLC.

相反,我选择接受世界的本真面目,包括世间的严酷和所有的一切。Instead I chose to accept the world as it was, with its harshness and everything.

他终于看到了他的真面目,他那没有鼻子还张着黄眼睛的丑陋脸庞。She finally saw the real man, and his horrible face, with no nose and yellow eyes.

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大运终于露出真面目,用枪指着童小乐,想要拿走吊坠。The finally show their true colors, with a gun to Tong Xiaole, want to take the pendant.

库伦家族很快查明,所谓连环杀手的真面目其实是一群潜行在暗处的新生吸血鬼。The Cullens shortly figure out that it's actually an army of newborn vampires on the prowl.

这是当卢克问及为何不揭示达斯维德真面目时,欧比旺的回答。This is what Obi-Wan tells Luke when asked why he didn't reveal the truth about Darth Vader.