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不要踩踏庄稼。Don't tread on crops.

庄稼长得真棒。The crops are excellent.

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这块土地未种庄稼。The land is out of crop.

蝗虫把乡下的庄稼吃得净光。Locusts ate the country bare.

庄稼长势旺盛。Crops are growing luxuriantly.

这场雹子把庄稼毁了。The hailstorm ruined the crops.

暴雨使庄稼倒伏。The heavy rain lodged the crops.

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夏日的风暴刮倒了庄稼。The summer storm laid the crops.

早霜损害了庄稼。An early frost damaged the crops.

庄稼在雨后又恢复了生机。The crops revived after the rain.

久旱无雨期间,庄稼都枯死了。The crops died during the drought.

干旱期间庄稼都枯死了。The crops died during the drought.

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农民养牛羊,种庄稼。种竹成林。The farmer raises cattle and crops.

农民们把庄稼收割进仓。The peasants gathered in the crops.

蟋蟀上房叫,庄稼挨水泡。Cricket is built by blisters, crops.

瑞士航空公司大麦的巨大庄稼广告Swissair Barley's Gigant Crop Advert

农民在红色的土壤收割庄稼。Farmers harvesting crops in red soil.

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每一种庄稼都留一部分成作种子。Part of every crop is saved for seed.

然后用一束石南把庄稼全扎好。And gather it all in a bunch of heather.

因庄稼歉收饥荒终于发生了。Famine eventuated from the crop failure.