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或是横笛小小的声名。Or a fife's small fame.

你正在吹横笛。You are playing the flute.

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主调接着由横笛合奏。The melody is next taken up by flutes.

这主调接著由横笛合奏。The melody is next taken up by the flutes.

找到名单上的隐藏的对象,并采取横笛。Locate the hidden objects on the list and take the FIFE.

一个有鼓和横笛的乐队,演奏了“星条旗”。A band, with fife and drum, played “The Star Spangled Banner.

一个有鼓和横笛的乐队,演奏了“星条旗”。A band, with fife and drum, played “The Star Spangled Banner.”

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当你在模仿世界著名的横笛吹奏者吉恩·皮埃尔·克伦威尔的时候。When you're imitating the world-famous flutist Jean Pierre Cromwell.

依然拿着横笛站在山冈上,把黄昏吹得悠长。He was still standing on the hummock piping the fife in the long dusk.

风笛、横笛、鼓、高嗓门总要先行一步。The bagpipes, the fife and drums, the raised voices, always went first.

他,向星星奏乐的人,正拿着他的横笛,站在你的窗边。He who plays his music to the stars is standing at your window with his flute.

横笛吹来幽雅的曲子,诉说着芳草、佳树和天涯。A melody is heard, upon a flute. It's small and fine, telling of grass and the horizon.

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音乐超凡入圣,特别是横笛手那种“我恨游客”般的冷嘲令人印象深刻,是我从来没有看见过的。The music is divine, and the flautist has the most impressive I-hate-tourists sneer I have ever seen.

早期的非裔美国乐团,像横笛和鼓乐团,用它们那鲜明的非洲人特性俘获了众多追随者的心。Early American bands such as the fife-and-drum ensemble had slave analogues with strong African characteristics.

渐暗的舞台上只剩下横笛的余音,但见房子的上空,笔削的公寓高楼耸峙得更险峻。Only the music of the flute is left on the darkening stage as over the house the hard towers of the apartment buildings rise into sharp focus.

渐暗的舞台上只剩下横笛的余韵,但见房子的上空,笔削的公寓高楼显得更险郗。Only the misuc of the flute is left on the darking stage as over the house the house the hard towers of the part tment building rise into sharp focus.

风笛、鼓手、横笛吹奏者和喇叭手吹奏的声音迴响在战场上,直到部队遭受步枪攻击、大炮的爆炸声崩溃和骑兵如雷霆万钧的冲锋而结束。Bagpipes, drummers, flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire, the boom of artillery and the thunderous charge of cavalry.

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永别了,长嘶的骏马、锐厉的号角、惊魂的鼙鼓、刺耳的横笛、庄严的大旗和一切战阵上的威仪!Farewell the neighing steed, and the shrill trump, The spirit-stirring drum, the ear-piercing fife, The royal banner, and all quality, Pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war!

所谓「鼓板」,实则是一个乐队的名称,代表一种伴奏体制,其所用乐器为横笛、拍板、鼓儿。" The so-called "drums and clappers" is actually the name of a band which represented a kind of accompaniment system, and the instruments used in it included flutes, clappers, and drums.

横笛和弗法尔团以及第3皇家坦克团各损失至少40辆坦克,近卫装甲师损失超过60辆坦克,他们也没有突破第1装甲师在卡尼的阵地。The Fife and Forfars and 3 RTR had each lost more than 40 tanks, while the Guards Armoured Division lost more than 60 tanks in its futile engagement with the 21st Panzer Division around Cagny.