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结果被馈送给事件消费者。This result is then fed into the event consumer.

请注意,上下文在时间上对应于一个馈送的快照。Note that a context corresponds to a snapshot of a feed in time.

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我无法告诉你我收到你馈送的漂亮的生日礼物,我是多么的高兴。I cannot tell you how delighted I was with the beautiful birthdaypresent you gave me.

本地的提供者按照用户的兴趣筛选后,也会聚合在“交易馈送”页面中。Local offers, tailored to users’ interests, are also aggregated on the “Deal Feed” page.

‘前向馈送’非常重要,你可以通过在月球上模拟火星的环境。The 'feed forward' there is quite important where you can simulate a Mars mission on Moon.

表明了交直流同线馈送方式的优越性、正确性和该方法求解潮流问题的有效性。So the advantage of the operation as well as the availability of the calculation method is proved.

开关的断开然后馈送的权力,你的电动小组,电能表和您的家庭。The disconnect switch then feeds the power to your electric panel, the power meter and to your home.

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对于放大了的信号,必须作进一步的处理后,才能把它们馈送到发射天线上去。Something further must be done to the amplified signals before they can be sent to the transmitting antenna.

此应用程序还依赖一个索赔馈送程序,后者提供有关给定保险单的索赔历史记录的信息。This application also relies on a claims feed that provides information about claims history for the given policy.

示巴女王一切所要所求的,所罗门王都送给她,另外照自己的厚意馈送她。King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for, besides what he had given her out of his royal bounty.

提出了一种新的适用于铁路电视单频网的系统时钟馈送和恢复方法。In this paper, a new system clock feeds and recovery scheme is proposed to overcome the deficiencies in existing SFN technology.

如图1所示,在电介质支撑件110的一部分上承载该馈送导体106及接地导体108。As shown in FIG. 1, the feed conductor 106, and the grounding conductor 108 are carried on a portion of the dielectric support 110.

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在相扫雷达系统中,从雷达发射机馈送到发射单元要经过移相电路或称为“移相器”。In a phase-scanned radar system, the radiating elements are fed from a radar transmitter through phase-shifting networks or " phasers ."

印地安纳大学布卢明顿分校的研究员们想出一种追踪“微博馈送”的办法,嗅探可能是谎言的微博内容。Researchers at Indiana University in Bloomington have come up with a way to track Twitter feeds and sniff out those tweets that might be lies.

在一个实施例中,第一导体102和第二导体104除耦合到相同馈送点外,还被电容性地耦合。In one embodiment, the first conductor 102 and the second conductor 104 are capacitively coupled in addition to being coupled to the same feed point.

本文提出并采用一种可控张力的馈送方法,讨论了动态控制模型,建立了闭环控制系统结构。This paper provides a material feed way with controllable tension, discusses a dynamic control model, and constructs a control system with closed loop.

吸收人群后,把本身筹办地假地明星签手刺说是明星签地,买两盒CD就馈送一张。That self fake ready star signature movie is said after attracting crowd, is that the star autographs , buys two box CD give a sheet away free right away.

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我已经充足,因我从以巴弗提受了你们的馈送,当作极美的香气,为神所收纳所喜悦的祭物。I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.

该馈送导体106及接地导体108可被镀在电介质支撑件上,或者以粘附方式限定在电介质支撑件110上。The feed conductor 106, and the grounding conductor 108 may be plated on the dielectric support or may be adhesively constrained on the dielectric support 110.

本设计研究的目的就是完成对目标物体的红外热辐射分布的摄取,并且将其转化为视频信号经图像后处理后馈送给显示设备进行实时显示。The objective of this design is to incept and convert the object's infrared radiation distribution into video signal to be displayed in real time after being post-processed.