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疯得像只三月的野兔。Mad as a March Hare.

这是一本关于野兔的书。It's a book about hares.

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猎犬在野兔身后紧追不舍。The hound nips at a rabbit.

野兔和家兔有何不同?。The hares and rabbits lope away.

野兔从灌木丛中突然窜了出来。The rabbit started from the bush.

野兔像飞箭似的逃跑了。The hare darted off like an arrow.

可他哪是长耳野兔的对手。But he was no match for that jackrabbit.

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野兔在地上挖洞居住。Hares dig holes in the ground to live in.

鹰盘旋而下抓住了一只野兔。An eagle spirals down and catches a rabbit.

一天,他看见一只野兔从山上跑下来。One day, he saw a hare running down the hill.

荒凉的土地上到处是长耳大野兔。The bleak ground pullulated with jackrabbits.

她和一些流浪者发现了野兔的踪迹。She and some tramps found the trail of rabbit.

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野兔像鸟一样快速掠去。The hare dart off with the velocity of a bird.

一只惊慌的野兔从狗洞里逃走。A startled hare fled through the kennel's hole.

野兔沿着林中空地的边缘飞快跑去。The hare darted along the edge of the clearing.

一位硬心肠的猎人猎杀了一只难以猎杀的野兔。A hard-hearted hunker hunted a hard-hunted hare.

野兔像鸟一样快速掠去。The hare darted off with the velocity of a bird.

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一个人拍打灌木丛驱出猎物,另一人则把被驱出的野兔逮住。On one beat the bush and another caught the hare.

我实在不忍心看着大熊一步一步向野兔逼近。I cannot bear to see a bear bear down upon a hare.

我抓到了负鼠、臭鼬、野兔和松鼠。I caught opossums, skunks, rabbits, and squirrels.