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系统软件设计采用面向对象程序。The design of software uses object-oriented Programming.

待光盘弹出,系统软件安装完毕。Once the CD-ROM pops up, the system software is installed.

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该项目还将研究自我感知系统软件。The program also will research self-aware system software.

每一台计算机配置不同组合的系统软件。Each computer had different combinations of system software.

系统软件层通常是最容易通信的。The system software layer is usually the easiest to communicate.

介绍了船舶尾管系统软件的开发和使用。Introduced the opening and using of the stern tube system software.

系统软件用FORTRAN语言和8088汇编语言编写。The software of system was written in FORTRAN and 8088 assembly language.

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面向对象型系统软件故障查询是本组的强项。Object-oriented systems software troubleshooting is the strength of our team.

并设计出了以这种方式为核心的陶瓷明焰窑温度控制的硬件和系统软件。The hardwares and softwares of the system based on this methods are designed.

采用时间驱动的工作方式,并且选择UDP协议来实现系统软件。UDP protocol and time-drive method are adopted to realize the telecontrol system.

此构件还运行中间件、系统软件和应用程序软件组件。It also runs the middleware, systems software, and application software components.

制定了CAN总线的应用层协议、并编制了相应的系统软件。The application of layer protocol of CAN Bus is established for controlling AUV-VBS.

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介绍了一种数字高清晰度电视机顶盒系统软件的研究和开发。The development on the systemic software of a kind of digital HDTV STB is introduced.

系统软件包括主程序、子程序、显示程序。The system software consists of main program, subprogram and display program modules.

提出了一种基于单片机的温控系统软件和硬件的设计方案。Gives a design of singlechip's software and hardware of temperature controlling system.

该系统软件可作为湛江市水环境管理决策的辅助工具。This software will be helpful to water environment management and decision in Zhanjiang.

提交给CL的作业反映了编辑排版系统的特定要求,其相应的处理程序也是系统软件。Jobs submitted to CL reflect the special demands of the editing and the typesetting system.

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系统软件以C语言为主体,结合内嵌汇编语言。The software is mainly programmed by C-Language, and partly by built-in Assembler-Language.

实践证明,这些技术可以显著提高自动测试系统软件的可测试性。The practices have proved that these technologies can improve the testability of ATS software.

本文为热轧优化规程提供了一套较为完善的应用系统软件。We have developed a perfect application software package to optimize hot rolling specification.