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硝烟弥漫在燃烧的残船上。Smoke curled over the burning wreckage.

两边的枪声同时爆发,硝烟弥漫,任何东西都看不见了。The two discharges took place at the same moment, and all disappeared in smoke.

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剑雄闻道等人来到宁波,此刻宁波硝烟弥漫,十分凄凉。Sword male scent and others came to ningbo, ningbo at the moment of smoke, very sad.

这末世的战争已经开始了,我们的思想正是那硝烟弥漫的战场。That future war is being preceded by an earthly conflict on the battlefield of our minds.

这就使得火爆的迷你笔记本市场估计要陷入一场硝烟弥漫的价格战中。This makes the popular mini- notebook market is estimated to fall into a smoke in the price war.

然而,这场争夺新兴市场消费者的战争仍然硝烟弥漫,远未结束。But the battle for the emerging-market consumer remains far from straightforward. And it is far from over.

大炮铁屑纷飞,硝烟弥漫,瞬时,墓园山联军士兵倒地伤亡者多以百计。The cannon sent iron and smoke into the Union soldiers on Cemetery Hill. Within minutes, hundreds lay dead or dying.

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刚刚结束了硝烟弥漫的大选,丰塞卡便被指控谋刺总统拉贾帕克萨,意图抢班夺权。Shortly after he lost the acrimonious election, he was accused of plotting to assassinate Mr Rajapaksa and seize power.

格鲁吉亚人开始看到,这个地处战略要地的小国上空虽然战争的硝烟弥漫,但仍有一丝光明。Georgians are beginning to see a silver lining in the clouds of war that still hang over their tiny but strategically-located nation.

价格战硝烟弥漫,重重危机之下,小本创业的服装实体店该如何应对?Price war cloud of smoke float over, layer on layer under the crisis, how should the pamphlet undertaking's clothing entity shop deal?

这位英国外交部长曾多次呼吁斯里兰卡停止内战,以便平民能够逃离那片硝烟弥漫的区域。The foreign secretary has repeatedly called for a ceasefire in the conflict and for civilians to be allowed to leave the afflicted area.

大浪,晨雾,加上硝烟弥漫和侧面的气流,把部队折腾得精疲力尽,登陆时又遭到敌军炮火的袭击。Big Wave, the morning mist, and smoke filled the air and the side, the troops have to endure exhausted, the landing was enemy fire when attacked.

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一九四一年十二月,由于北半球的工业文明世界都已经燃烧着战火,在硝烟弥漫中隐隐呈现出一个重大的主题。In December 1941, with the industrial civilization all around the northern hemisphere leaping into flame, one grand theme looms through the smoke.

战争年代是残酷的,残酷的是硝烟弥漫的战场,无处闪躲的子弹,无能为力的看着自己的兄弟战死杀场。During the war years is cruel, cruel is the smoky battlefield, nowhere to dodge the bullets, incapable of seeing their brothers died killing field.

近几年来,国内奶粉市场可谓硝烟弥漫,各奶粉品牌都在疯狂抢占终端资源,大打促销战。In recent years, the domestic market of milk powder is on fire, all competitors are participating the promotion war and cannibalizing the end-users.

在这个硝烟弥漫的战场上,我国企业很快就意识到并开始向西方学习其先进的管理思想和科学技术,“供应链管理”就是备受关注之一。Faced with such situation, China's firms quickly realized that we should learn more, no matter theories or management methods, and"supply chain management"was one of those theories.

巴格拉季翁骑马走到我军右翼的最高点,开始沿着下坡驰去,从那里可以听见若断若续的枪炮声,硝烟弥漫,遮蔽得什么也看不见。AFTER RIDING up to the highest point of our right flank, Prince Bagration began to go downhill, where a continuous roll of musketry was heard and nothing could be seen for the smoke.

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当你兴高采烈地用巨人坦克炸毁敌人的坦克,逆转了朝鲜兵——如同置身于硝烟弥漫的实物沙盘军演——这确实看起来像是对被占领的不错回应。When you gleefully have the Goliath blowing up enemy tanks and backing over Korean soldiers—like in some smoky, life-size sandbox—this does seem like a fine response to an occupation.

在国际市场里,不仅经济、军事等“硬实力”领域竞争激烈,而且在以文化为核心的“软实力”竞争中更是硝烟弥漫。In the international market, not only economic, and military "hard power" area of intense competition, But also in culture as the core of the "soft power" is more competition in the gun smoke.