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我看见太阳照耀在清朗的天空中。I saw the sun out of a clear azure sky.

清朗蔚蓝的天空中阳光明媚。The sun shone out of a clear azure sky.

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我的眼睛不觉在秋季清朗的风中湿润发热。My wet eyes felt warm in the brisk autumn wind.

那时的天空恰巧清朗。The sky happen to time it crystal clearly blue.

有的很清朗,其他的更沙哑。Some voices are clear, others are more scratchy.

祂能将黑云密布天空,祂也能很容易地使天气清朗。He that sends the clouds can as easily clear the skies.

他们都在祈祷,这样的炮火赶紧停止,最终,炮火停止了,战场的的硝烟逐渐散去,空气变得清朗。Finally, it did. And the smoke of battle began to clear.

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半夜里,天空变得清朗了,星星更亮了。At midnight the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter.

感受不到风的妩媚,花的娇艳,月的清朗,夜的温馨。Feel the wind of the charming, flower blooming, on the cool and bright, warm night.

你抬头看看天空,如果是清朗的,那就是个好日子,你就感到快乐...或者不快乐。You look up at the sky and if it's clear, it is a good day and you're happy — or not.

过了一小会儿,亨利爵士走出了浓雾,在清朗的月中继续走着。After a few moments, Sir Henry appeared out of the fog and walked on in the clear moonlight.

恰逢早秋时节清朗的一天,空气凉爽、清新,路上几乎没有什么车辆,树木刚刚开始变换颜色。The air was cool and clear, there was almost no traffic, and the trees were just beginning to turn.

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一个清朗无风的夜晚,独自一人仰面躺下来静静地观赏天上的点点繁星。A cool and bright windless night, alone on his back to lie down and quietly watch the stars, the sky.

过了几个小时,被迷雾覆盖的森林渐渐清朗起来,加仑和萝丝停下歇了会儿。In a few hours the mist that had covered the forest began to clear, and Galen and Rose stopped to rest.

当这一切实现,我发现我能更好的思考,工作效率更高,神智也无限清朗了。When I’m able to do these things, I find that I think better, work smarter, and feel infinitely more sane.

我整个的人生就是一条迂回的长线,一条连贯的句子,有时阴沉,有时清朗,有时火光四溅。my life has been a long, winding thread, a yet uninterrupted sentence, somber, clear, and sparkling at times.

他们的作品无论在观念和表现形式上都有着一股「新鲜」清朗的气息。Their artworks, whatever the concept and the form of expression, are full of "fresh", clear and bright ideas apparently.

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刚过了第六驿站,空气已经很清朗,我们可以看见山下壮观的布满湖泊的山谷。Just beyond the sixth station the air cleared enough for us to see something of the spectacular lake-filled valley below.

宏村虽不能与周庄水乡比美,但清朗俊雅绝不亚于周庄。Hongcun Although we can not and Zhouzhuang Water Village Bimei, but the cool and bright Junya no way inferior to Zhouzhuang.

坐在这一片清朗的空旷里,我第一次有勇气,开始期待那种“轻舟已过万重山”的心情。Sitting here in a more open, the first time I have the courage to start, to the" canoe already past thousands of mountains".