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我们在山麓停车场黑暗的角落用他那小号龙形大麻烟枪抽烟。We smoke out of his mini dragon bong, out in the lightless corner of the Foothill parking lot.

但无论烟枪还是手枪,关键在于要对这些权利加以哪些细致的限制和疏导。In both cases, the devil is in the detail of what restrictions and guidelines should apply to those rights.

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我记得当一些外援到来的时候,也带来了各种恶习,像比力奇就是个烟枪。I remember when some of the foreign players, like Slaven Bilic, would smoke. It was the way they were brought up.

南卡来罗纳州警方根据这一线索,将拍卖者依法逮捕。在该州,持有大麻或烟枪都属违法。But the owner has been arrested by South Carolina police as a suspect for illegally owning marijuana bong in the state.

该报没有明确指出菲尔普斯在吸食大麻,但它指出照片中的烟枪显然是作此用途的。The newspaper did not say that Phelps was smoking marijuana, but it pointed out that the pipe typically was used for that purpose.

中德合资曼吉科工艺玻璃有限公司——专业玻璃烟斗、玻璃烟枪、玻璃工艺品制造商。Sino-Germany Magic Arts and Crafts Glass Co. , Ltd--- Professional glass pipes, glass bongs and glass handicraft manufacturer in China.

听到这一谈话的录音后,孔那波讲它“看起来像支烟枪”,意为这盘录音带很清楚地说明尼克松批准将事件的真相掩盖起来。Upon hearing the tape, Conable stated that it "looked like a smoking gun, " meaning that from the tape it was clear that Nixon had approved the cover up.

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由于国内市场受到限制,这位烟草巨人继续致力于在新兴市场推广业务,从亚洲到俄罗斯,赢得数以百万的烟枪。As marketing restrictions tighten at home, the cigarette giant continues to push hard in emerging markets from Asia to Russia and win over millions of smokers.

科学家们建立了一个仪器来测试是否吸食水烟,或者说烟枪,与吸入经水过滤的香烟是一样安全的。The scientists built a device to test the theory that smoking shishas, also known as hookahs, is safer as smoke is filtered through water before being inhaled.

案件中的受害者在1977年的证词中的部分细节已经公布,在各种媒体上传播开来,也包括八卦网站“冒烟枪”,那些话语调冷酷,读起来不甚舒服。Details of the victim's testimony in 1977 have been published and widely circulated through the media and via the gossip website The Smoking Gun. It makes for grim and unpleasant reading.