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单位里两地分居的人很多呢!The unit of separation many!

两地房地产都曾经历鼎盛时期They both had dramatic booms.

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两地相距10里。The two places are 10 li apart.

1962年,他们在两地进犯。In 1962 they advanced in both areas.

一人不能同时身居两地。/一脚难蹬两只船。One cannot be in two places at once.

她在美国和中国两地工作。She works in the United States and China.

这里就有一个正在运作的两地学生互派活动。Here is a two?way student exchange in action.

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两地分居最大的问题是外遇。The biggest problem is the separation of adultery.

你是个很好的女孩,我不想和你相隔两地,我去找你好吗?You’re amazing and I don’t want to be away from you.

两个人在两地分居该遇上的事情都遇上了。Two men in the separation of the met has had a thing.

两地间的交通即将开通。A communication will be opened between the two places.

006年时,两地房价基本相同They've almost--they've pretty much converged in 2006.

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两地政府在最后一刻达成协议。The two governments reached an eleventh-hour agreement.

两地旅客皆可享受正班航班的全部服务。Visitors can enjoy the two is the full service flights.

纵使遥隔两地,真诚的祝福与怀念会将彼此紧紧相牵。We're united tightly with sincere blessing and yearning!

要连接南北两地。to just, you know, connect to the, connect to the north.

我和女朋友长期两地分居。My girlfriend and I are in a long-distance realationship.

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“很显然两地的预算绝对是天差地别。”他说。"Obviously the budgets are extremely different", he says.

因工作原因,夫妻两地分居。This couple live in seperate places because of their work.

摄影展在北京和伯尔尼两地同时进行。The exhibition was held simultaneously in Beijing and Berne.