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是全公社知青中的第一对。It is one of complete commune educated youth.

朝鲜族知青W来我们户玩的时候讲了一个故事。Educated Korea nationality youth W told us a story.

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我认识安坤老师,那是在我的知青时代。An Kun teacher I know, that time in my educated youth.

连市长作为插队知青于1969年开始了他的职业生涯。Mr Lian started his career in 1969 as a Youth Intellectual.

“神六”车队里的女队员在知青广场。"Shenzhou VI" the team's young female players in the square.

到了1979年,大多数知青返回城市。By 1979, most educated youth were heading back to the cities.

是一部值得关注的知青年代戏。It is the play of the educated youth that deserves people's concern.

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知青朋友啊,你可曾找到你的目的地?My dear friends of the educated youth! Have you found your destination yet?

知青文化已成为龙江文化的重要内容。Therefore, the culture of educated youth has become a part in that of Heilongjiang.

第三章描述知青文学在“他”的想象方式下所建构的历史图景。Chapter 3 describes the ZhiQing literature history prospect in the imagine of "Him".

鹤岗“神六”车队男队员在知青广场合影留念。Hegang "Shenzhou VI" male members of the team posed for pictures in the young Square.

沉重的石屋,上海知青40年前的蹉跎岁月。Heavy stone house. 40 years ago, Shanghai young students of the wasted time spent here.

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“大跃进”的出现中断了起步不久的知青运动。The appearance of the "Great Leap Forward" broke the Movement that started not so long.

张抗抗在知青作家中是极具忏悔意识的。The confession consciousness of Zhang Kangkang is very representative in the writers of Rusticated Youth.

他熟知青训学院的所有球员,我也知道那里涌现了一些很有前途的球员。He is very aware of all the players at the Academy and I understand there are a few promising players emerging.

1978年底,马锦仪结束了3年的知青生活,回到庐江县邮政局工作。By the end of 1978, Ma Jin-Yi ended three years of educated youth life, back to work Lujiang County post office.

离知青下乡已经过去30多年了,每个知青心中,苦衷比温暖深刻得多。From the educated youth to the countryside for the past 30 years, every educated youth heart, difficulties than warm.

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知青文化有极大的历史文化价值、社会教育价值和市场价值,因而是发展旅游业的宝贵资源。It has enormous historical cultural value, social education value and market value and thus, is the precious resource of tourism.

这一阶段是中国知青小说中政治文化符码发展的前奏和强化。The second chapter mainly discusses the political and cultural code of the novels in the Seventeen Years and"Cultural Revolution".

从整体上看,这些政治文化符码在知青小说另类书写文本中以隐性状态存在。On the whole, these political and cultural codes exist in the recessive state in the texts of another narration in the Educated Youth novels.