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而摇头晃脑的轨迹像是一个躺着的8。It is tracked like a sleeping 8.

他们随着音乐节拍摇头晃脑。Their head wagged in time to the music.

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就算只有一个人也要摇头晃脑的舞动。Solo Sarging requires you to have a certain amount of energy.

这里想说说印度人的摇头晃脑。Here I would like to say some words about Indian's wagging head.

还有那些摇头晃脑的小树精当然也无伤大雅。And those little tree spirits with the bobbling heads certainly don't hurt either.

非常动听,节奏轻快有趣,非常适合边听边摇头晃脑。Very easy to get into, very upbeat and fun, suitable to bobbing the head with the music.

琵琶鱼会摇头晃脑,让它头上的肉瘤看起来像条虫子,并等着其他鱼上钩。An anglerfish wags its head until its fleshy protuberance shimmies like a worm and baits other fish.

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我一直在摇头晃脑,那我最好继续摇头晃脑,这样的话我就能再得到一粒谷粒I was bobbing my head, so maybe I better bob my head again and sure enough another piece of corn comes.

与双手和脖颈纹丝不动的接球手相比,那些喜欢移动手套或者摇头晃脑的接球手会更容易得到坏球的判罚。Receivers who move their gloves or bob their heads get worse calls than those who keep their hands and necks steady.

它们有的上蹿下跳,有的摇头晃脑,还有的独鸽乱舞One pigeon was jumping up and down a lot, another one was bobbing its head, and another one was doing kind of a little dance.

绿草地上到处是五颜六色的夏季野花,一片片树林以翠绿的树顶在阳光下摇头晃脑。Meadows, filled with summer's wild flowers of every color, dots of trees in groups, their emerald green heads nodding in the sun.

它们在湖泊池塘和柱坑中现身,又摇头晃脑地离去,根本看不出与海洋的联系。They show up in lakes and ponds and postholes with no visible connection to the sea, leaving the inquisitive shaking their heads.

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而且只要我对某一个人摇头晃脑的微笑,我会得到同样一个摇头晃脑。屡试不爽。What is true that if I smiles with wagging head to somebody, I will definitely get a return of smiling wagging head. Never failed.

我们整天摇头晃脑地把古人的遗训背得滚瓜烂熟,有几个能真正领悟其中的真意呢?We read the ancients' teachings and rules all day long until we can recite them fluently, but how many of us have understood what they really mean?

每顿伙食,它也要求有菜有鱼有骨头,否则就是摇头晃脑,东张西望,眼神里流露出不满之意。Each meal meals, it also requires food is fish have bone, otherwise it is rubbernecking eyes, look in all directions, reveals the dissatisfaction of idea.

埃里克很耐心地听着,他摇头晃脑,适时地做出些回应的声音,不过他看我的眼神怪怪的,就好像我是一个受到传染的病毒携带者,带着一种新近变异的厄运病毒踩进了他的办公室。Eric listened patiently, making appropriate sounds and shakes of his head, but looking at me as though I were contaminated, the bearer into his office of a freshly mutated virus of ill-fortune.

29年的孤单生活让它出现了一些反常的行为,包括摇头晃脑,露出自己的牙齿,前后不断踱来踱去,或是左右晃来晃去。It is claimed the 29-year-old's lonely life is causing him to display abnormal behaviour, including tilting his head and showing his teeth while pacing back and forth and rocking from side to side.

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你看他站着摇头晃脑的样子,总是朝下看,像年轻的拳击手听指令时一样,那样晃着脑袋,好让你觉得他在听你说的每个字,一边不断附和着“是““对“You saw that in the way he stood bobbing his head, always looking down, nodding like a young boxer to instructions to make you think he was listening to every word, throwing in a thousand "yes"es and "that's right."