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季节因素将影响地网的安全性能,导致地网的接地电阻、接触电压和跨步电压的改变。The changes of soil structure caused by seasonal factor would affect the safety of grounding system.

该文对保护接地、接触电压、跨步电压间的关系进行探讨。The relations between protective earthing , touching voltage and walk voltage are discussed in the article.

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采用数值计算方法分析了垂直接地极对接地系统的接地电阻、接触电压及跨步电压等的影响。The influences of vertical grounding electrodes on grounding resistance, step and touch voltages were analyzed numerically.

根据人工引雷实测电流计算了其近区跨步电压的波形,取得了与实测数据一致的结果。The waveform of step voltage calculated from a triggered lightning current is obtained and it is identical to the measured result.

分析认为,雷电击中大树产生的雷电反击和跨步电压是造成这起雷灾的主要原因。According to the analysis, the back flashover and the step voltage formed when the lightning strikes a tree are the main causes of the disaster.

均匀网孔地网造成发电厂、变电站跨步电压和接触电压不均,可能对安全造成危害。The even network creates the power plant, the transformer substation step voltage and the contact voltage is uneven, possibly to causes the harm.

对雷电反击、雷电地电位上升、雷电旁侧闪络等效应进行了阐述,并单独对接触电压和跨步电压进行分析。The lightning counterattack, lightning ground potential ascend, and lightning side flashover are described, separately analyzing touch voltage and step voltage.

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接地系统的安全评估是人体实际所承受的最大接触电压和跨步电压与最大的安全允许电压进行比较的测试。Through introduction of calculated contact voltages in three different situations the necessity of general equipotential bonding in TN-C-S system are illustrated.

在我国北方高寒冰冻地区接地系统的接地电阻季节系数可达3.0,接触电压和跨步电压季节系数可能达到10和5.4。The seasonal coefficient of grounding resistance possibly reaches 3.0 in freezing region of North China, and those of touch voltage and step voltage 10 and 5.4, respectively.

等电位联结对于降低跨步电压、接触电压和防止雷电反击是十分有效的措施。The problems to be dealt with are also pointed out . Equipotential bonding is a very effective measure for reducing step voltage and touch voltage and preventing from counter-attack.

季节因素将影响地网的安全性能,导致地网的接地电阻、接触电压和跨步电压的改变。The seasonal factor affects the safety of grounding system, and causes changes in the grounding resistance, the step and touch voltages on the ground surface above the grounding system.

用该方法可以计算接地网的工频电流下的任何参数,如工频接地阻抗、接触电压和跨步电压、网内电位差等。The methods are able to compute any parameter of grounding grids in power current, such as power ground impedance, touch and step voltage, potential differences within grounding grids and so on.