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苏非音乐好听吗?Sufi music good?

这首抒情诗唱起好听。This lyric sings well.

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这是我喜欢听的歌!好听!I am here here with you.

狗狗认为你唱的歌好听。Dogs think you sing great.

饱肚说话都好听。A full belly counsels well.

他唱得没你唱得好听。He can't sing as well as you.

她总是专拣好听的说。She often sings sb.'s praises.

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铃声响叮当是一首非常好听的歌!Jingle bells is a very good song.

第一个是,这是首非常好听的歌曲!First, its a stinkin awesome song!

王若琳。好听的声音。Start from here. That sounds good.

这声音清脆悦耳,真好听。The sound is so clear and melodic.

希望能听到更好听的歌!Hope to hear better listen to the song!

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吴越人家不仅仅是个好听的名字。Wuyue Family not only sounds beautiful.

那一定是雌鹤叫起来更好听一点。Female birds must sing more melodiously.

作为补偿,他成了一个好听众。He compensated by being a good listener.

他说的比唱的还好听。His glib talk sounds as sweet as a song.

你想找一支好听的歌用作跳舞的伴奏曲。You want to find a good song to dance to.

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小林幸子的歌曲好听,谢谢楼主分享。GOOD! Thank you for your share good music.

好听的音乐系列,谢谢分享!Thank you for your kindess of sharing! ! !

说话好听点。不管怎样,我为他的男性自尊做了急救。Be nice ! Anyway. I had to give his ego CPR.