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现在我们来看看热力学。Now let's go and do the energetics.

因为所有的热力学量都是态函数。Since these are all state functions.

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现在我们要从热力学来研究。Now I want to look at the energetics.

我将考虑到热力学。And I am going to count the energetics.

这就是热力学第零定律。And that's the zeroth law thermodynamic.

和热力学没有任何关系。It has nothing to do with thermodynamics.

现在我们给它进行热力学讨论。We can do the energetics on this one now.

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让我们再看看热力学。Let's take another look at the energetics.

因此热力学只研究平衡系统。So it only talks about equilibrium systems.

然后抽象这些一般的热力学定律。We formulate these broad thermodynamic laws.

我们来看看库伦定律中的热力学知识。Let's look at the energetics of Coulomb's Law.

热力学是描述热现象的宏观唯象理论。Thermodynamics is a phenomenon theory of heat.

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在热力学或者统计力学中。In statistical mechanics and in thermodynamics.

现在我们来看看热力学。Now let's look at the energetics graphically now.

这个相变在热力学上为一级相变。Thermodynamically it is a first order transition.

所测定的数据满足热力学一致性。The data obtained are thermodynamically consistent.

但我们知道热力学都是关于平衡的。But we know thermodynamics is all about equilibrium.

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学完渗透压之后,你们就把热力学学完了。And after osmotic pressure, you'll be done with thermo.

在方程里面,基本是相同的热力学图像。In your equations, it's the same thermodynamic picture.

现在我想看一下关于这个的热力学知识。So now, I want to take a look at the energetics of that.