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乔安娜工作时总是精神奕奕。Joanna always shows up at work bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Kent精神奕奕地进入了和办公室连在一起的小饭厅。Kent briskly enters a small dining room connected to his office.

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看,它玲珑剔透、光彩奕奕,它的价值无与伦比。Look, it is exquisite and dazzlingly brilliant and its value is incomparable.

身兼两份工作,却总精神奕奕地服务饭店房客。He works two jobs but he always shows upbeat energy when he faces the hotel guests.

从此即使在平时没有做这个修持时也可以清醒精神奕奕。From then on, you may also feel aware any time and any place even without doing the practice.

在休假或短暂的休息之后,你就可以精神奕奕的重返你的工作岗位。After a vacation or break from work, come back to the office energized and eager to get back to your job.

圣诞节当天天气良好,每个人都精神奕奕,互相餽赠礼物,谈笑风生。Christmas day itself was a fine day and everyone was in high spirits, giving presents and laughing joyfully.

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巴黎罗浮宫的雕塑珍品维纳斯,把美神的奕奕神采,展现于千千万万的明眸之中。The statue treasure Venus in the Louver shows the glowing mien of the Godess of Beauty to thousands of eyes.

这里没有任何恰当的体育项目,狱囚们转向了橄榄球运动,橄榄球运动更好地展现出南非白种人的奕奕风采。And not any sport. The prisoners turned to rugby, the game that more than any other embodied white South Africa.

精神奕奕的阿梅下车时步履轻快,毋须旁人搀扶,相信担心她的歌迷可以放心了!She is in good shape, walking briskly, she doesn't need help. Those who worried about her, should feel relieved!

身穿长衫的他,精神奕奕,和蔼可亲,表现了一派学长前辈的风范。He wore the long unlined close-fitting gown, spiritual Luan Luan, affable , displayed a school of school leader senior's style.

镜头前这盆在白天神色奕奕的花此刻正用令我沉迷的色调征服了前方一切的模糊和海市蜃楼。The flower in front of the camera which was flourishing in the daytime has conquered all the haziness and mirage with her obsessed tint.

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这里也要小心奕奕的绕过去的。只要将草丛里的石头清掉,这里便是很好的特高速滑草场。It has to be very careful to cross here. Only by taking the stones under the glass away will make here a super high speed glass skiing field.

周五我缓休了一天,因为我要和奕奕,老爷子和蛐蛐姐去参加胖春春那里的健康讲座。Friday, I am free. Because I want to take part in a health lecture with Lao Yezi, Ququ Sister and Little Doctor. Of course, the lecture is about sex.

昆曲的动作绵柔细腻,演唱时需要身姿挺拔,体态婀娜,“练过昆曲的人,走在路上肯定精神奕奕”。With soft and subtle movements as well as towering figure and graceful postures in singing, a Kunqu Opera practicer is sure to have a great spirit walking on the road.

因此,无论有什麽事,都要不断鼓励大家,使大家明朗、精神奕奕,掌握断然胜利的指挥。Therefore, no matter what might happen, please continue resolutely leading the way to victory, encouraging everyone and helping them in advance with hope and in high spirits.

白雪正奇怪外面的人为什么好端端都不动了,见四妹一下子精神奕奕,便怀疑这一切都是由她手中刚出生的婴儿引起的。Bai Xuezheng strange why people alive all dont move outside, see four younger sister suddenly in high spirits, suspected that all this is caused by the hands of her newborn baby.

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当约书亚和众长老经过祷告,小心奕奕地抽出每个支派的名字和领土的范围时,每个支派的代表一定是既紧张又兴奋了。It must have been a wonderful scene as Joshua and the elders carefully and prayerfully drew out each tribe's name and the name of each lot of land. Each tribe had to accept what God gave them.