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你抵达十字路口。You reach a cross-road.

我们转回到那个十字路口吧。Let's go back to that crossroad.

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请在第一个十字路口向左转。Turn left at the first crossing.

在十字路口右转。Turn right at this intersection.

艺术正处以一个十字路口。“Art is at a crossroads, ” he said.

我们现在站在商业变革之路上前所未有的十字路口处。We are not yet at such a crossroads.

我们沿着这条路走,在十字路口左转。I' ll stop for you at the crossroads.

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一直走到十字路口。Keep on until you reach the crossing.

在十字路口有红绿灯。The car conked out at the crossroads.

汽车在十字路口抛锚了。The car conked out at the crossroads.

两辆小车在十字路口相撞。The two cars crashed at the crossroad.

今天我们就站在类似的十字路口。We stand today at a similar crossroad.

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电影里你还看得到伦敦的国王十字路口。and you've got King's Cross in London.

到下个十字路口,还有多远?How far is it to the next intersection?

今天我们又站在了相似的十字路口。We stand today at a similar crossroads.

在前面那个大十字路口左转。Turn left at that big intersection ahead.

十字路口就是几条路交叉的地方。A crossroads is a place where roads cross.

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我们一直走到十字路口。We walked till we reached the cross-roads.

七色的歧路总有十字路口。The seven colors hill always have crossing.

在十字路口一定要看交号灯。We must look at traffic lights at crossing.