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谎言必须要中止。The lies have to stop.

升级中止。The upgrade aborts now.

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发射中止了。Blast-off has been aborted.

我们决定中止这项程序。We decided to abort the program.

我们队长以光线太暗吁请裁判中止比赛。Our captain appealed against the light.

球队队长以光线不宜吁请裁判中止比赛。The captain appealed against the light.

这一习俗已经中止了。The tradition has fallen into abeyance.

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未能够找到加载点,正在中止。Unable to locate mount point, aborting.

他们中止了与我们的协议。They renounced the agreement between us.

他们决定中止履行这项合同。They decided to resile from the contract.

赔款暂时中止了。Reparations were temporarily pretermitted.

我当我得到了我的第五个酒醉驾驶的时候它中止了吗。I had it suspended when I got my fifth DUI.

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疾病令他中止了社会交往。Illness struck him off from social contacts.

然而战争中止了这项运动发展的势头。But the war interrupted the sport’s momentum.

请中止阳光直射本品,在5℃-25℃情形中生涯本品。Do not expose to sunlight and keep at 5℃-25℃.

最多就是犯罪中止呗。At most the verdict may be the halt of crimes.

必要时可减少ACEI剂量或中止使用。If necessary, reduce ACEI dose or discontinue.

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审判长宣布审讯暂时中止。The trial was recessed by the presiding judge.

一小撮死硬派企图中止改革。A few die-hards are trying to stop the reforms.

但是他突然中止了打出本垒打的表现。But then suddenly he stopped hitting home runs.