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简直就是全球传染病。It's literally global epidemic.

发烧常常是传染病的征兆。A fever often denotes an infection.

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传染病病原学的新依据New Credibility for Infectious Etiology

你传播的不仅仅是特定一种传染病You're not only spreading the infection.

劳永乐是感染及传染病专科医生。Dr Lo is a specialist in infectious diseases.

那里不只是传染病问题。Infectious diseases are not the only problem.

非传染病行动计划的六项目标是The six objectives of the NCD action plan are

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在国立传染病研究所设立了一个24小时控制室。A 24-hour control room is established in NICD.

实施非传染病行动计划的初步措施First steps for implementing the NCD action plan

带有皮肤病、传染病的患者。with a skin disease infectious disease patients.

很多感染这些传染病的人,都能充分康复。Most people who get these diseases recover fully.

人们在冬天易患各种各样的传染病。People catch all kinds of infections in the winter.

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我如何发现我的宠物是否有绦虫传染病?How would I know if my pet has a tapeworm infection?

艾滋病已成为萍乡市传染病死亡的首位死因。AIDS has become the first cause of death in the city.

商铺关张,水媒传染病肆虐。Businesses shut down and water-borne diseases spread.

性传染病不仅会扼杀你的性生活,也会危及你的生命。STD can not only kill your sex life, it can kill you.

阿米巴痢疾为法定乙类传染病。Amebic dysentery is B type infectious disease legally.

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这种新的传染病对抗菌素有抗药力。This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics.

肠道传染病暴发病种以细菌性痢疾多见。Bacillary dysentery was more often seen in the outbreak.

软性下疳是一种性接触传播的细菌性传染病。Chancroid is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection.