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他是他的唯一终点。And he is his only end.

但是这是否有一个终点?But is there an endpoint?

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告诉我圆圈的终点在哪里。Show me the end of a circle.

在魔王之前先到达终点!Reach the finish before Bowser!

在终点那条道路分叉了。At the end the road divaricated.

性是我所有激情的终点。Sex was my all-consuming endpoint.

在大金刚之前到达终点!Reach the finish before Donkey Kong!

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最终你还是得到同一个终点You will end up with the same point.

朋克理念是一种旅程,而非终点。Punk is a journey, not a destination.

在赛跑中这对选手同时到达终点。The pair had dead-heated in the race.

风是有终点的,亦如爱情。Wind is the finish line, and as love.

那是你的终点备降。That is your aiming point for landing.

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当然我还总是梦想着那根终点的白线。I still dream of the white line though.

马在终点直道上不肯跑了。The horse folded up in the homestretch.

到终点了,然后怎么办?And when I get to the end, what do I do?

赛跑者拐入了终点直道。The runner rounded into the homestretch.

这里未必就是你旅行的终点。This need not be the end of the journey.

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研究最初的治疗终点是PFS。The primary endpoint of the study was PFS.

繁荣并非一定以通货紧缩为终点。The boom does not have to end in deflation.

终点预示着一个巨大欢庆的时刻。The end bespeaks a time of great rejoicing.