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太极拳是武术的一种形式。Taijiquan is a form of martial arts.

我们为外国友人展示刚柔相济的太极拳。We show Tiji to our foreign friends.

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我如何提交我的形式在太极拳?How Do I Submit My Form in Shadowbox?

太极拳更重视修身养性,心神安静。Practicing Quan is to calm your mind.

打太极拳的好处是很多。Shadowboxing is good for many things.

陈集泉老师领导太极拳表演。Tai Chi performance Led by Master Chen.

太极拳训练班在花园酒店举办。The Taijiquan class is at Garden Hotel.

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不要过分扩展一冲而太极拳。Don't overextend a punch while shadow boxing.

我打太极拳,有时我也看足球。I play shadowboxing , sometimes football too.

看看那位老妇人。她也在打太极拳吗?Look at that old woman. Is she doing Taiji, too?

打太极拳时,你必须保持内心平静。To play Taijiquan, you have to keep a quiet mind.

我爸爸会。他唯一的嗜好就是打太极拳。My father can. His only hobby is practicing taiji.

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心意太极拳对养生和防病治病有很好的功效。It has a good effect on life preservation and cure.

太极拳是我国优秀拳种之一。Taijiquan is one of the excellent pugilism in China.

一来到中国他就开始学太极拳。He began to learn Taichi as soon as he came to China.

太极拳是传统体育武术的一个项目。Taijiquan is an event of the traditional sport of wushu.

爷爷喜欢在公园里空敞的地方打太极拳。Grandpa likes shadowboxing in spacious places in the park.

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每周星期一晚上和星期四晚上搜有太极拳课程。Their Tai-chi class meets on Monday and Thursday evenings.

但是状态肌群又和太极拳有什么关系呢?But what is the relevance of postural muscles to Taijiquan?

下个月每逢星期六我将练健美操,星期一练太极拳。Next month I do aerobics on Saturdays and Tai Chi on Mondays.