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公共汽车到站时,人们都一窝蜂地往上挤。People rushed into the bus when it came.

小鼬子一窝蜂似地跑向壁炉。The ferrets rush wildly for the fireplace.

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每当有公众人物去世,我们总是一窝蜂地进行哀悼。When public figures die we mourn them en-masse.

我们逃避常规,但是却一窝蜂的跟随潮流地做着逃避世俗的事情。We shun conventionality, but we put on a uniform to do it.

今年农民不再一窝蜂似的种大路菜了。Farmers didn't have to scrambled to plant common vegetables this year.

于是一窝蜂似地突袭了马戏团,逮捕了所有涉案人员。They attacked the circus like a hive of bees and arrested all involved.

虽然这并不等于眼下的形势已跟2005年一样,投资者开始一窝蜂地追求高收益,但也差不多了。It's not that investors are partying out there like its 2005, but it's close.

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他们说,中国客户正蜂拥而来,而且一窝蜂地在新加坡买房。China's business elite is coming in flocks, they say, and buying in flocks as well.

一窝蜂挤进比萨的小薄的切片,其他人的钱的第八房子了。Crowded into one little slice of the pizza , the eighth house of other people's money.

来自欧盟的访问者都一窝蜂地来看这些收藏品,服务器超载当机了。The servers overloaded as visitors from throughout the EU came in to look at the collection.

我这支野蛮的小部队一窝蜂地向乔扑了上去,有人抢走了他的帽子,我们就玩起传球接球游戏。My little troop of Goths swarmed upon Joe. Somebody snatched his hat and we played catch with it.

我一向担心这些一窝蜂涌入特定资产工具的行为,它们通常时机不对.I'm always wary of these herd moves into certain asset classes, generally they are not well-timed.

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藤蔓摇动不已,成群的苍蝇从内脏嗡地一下飞开,发出邪恶的噪声,又一窝蜂地落回原处。When the creepers shook, the flies exploded from the guts with a vicious note and clamped back on again.

但跟市民分享鸟巢的知识又是否相等于鼓励大家一窝蜂的去抢拍鸟巢呢?However, by sharing knowledge on bird nest, are we encouraging people to flock to take photos of the nest?

他话音刚落,全体会众都高举起朝拜的节杖,一窝蜂向我拥来了。With that concluding word, the whole assembly, exalting their pilgrim's staves, rushed round me in a body.

她再也不愿帮任何人的忙了,因为这似乎意味着让北方佬像一窝蜂似地拥来向她勒索。Never again would she give aid to anyone if it meant having the Yankees come down on her like a swarm of hornets.

一窝蜂蜜蜂一样,这些在缅因州的阿普尔岛,经常不同的地方建立一个新的巢。Swarming honeybees, like these on Maine's Appledore Island, frequently differ about where to establish a new nest.

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我觉得那是看轻了大家一窝蜂投资日元瞬间就能把它拉到峰顶的效果。I think that underestimates what the effect would be if everyone who was invested in yen ran for the hills at once.

准新娘们,还有在她们身边转的母亲们,提前一天排队并彻夜等待,第二天6点钟那大门一开,她们就一窝蜂地涌进去。Prospective brides, and their hovering mothers, line up the night before the doors open at 6 a.m to join in the rush.

饭店一窝蜂在吧台后方使劲摇晃,倒出用鲜果、香草和最高档烈酒所调出的创意饮料。Hotels are shaking things up behind the bar, pouring innovative drinks made with fresh fruit, herbs and top-shelf liquors.