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西朗综合枢纽区。Serang integrated hub area.

你要找到一种综合。You have to find a synthesis.

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对风险进行综合与分级。Synthesize and rank the risks.

这是一趟综合的课。This is again a general lesson.

有平安险,水渍险和综合险。They are FPA, WPA and All Risks.

它们是主观综合的。They are subjectively synthetic.

詹妮在这栋综合大楼工作吗?。Does Janine work in this complex?

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本机型是综合港口多货种码头的理想机型。It's the best ideal type in port.

不要两极分化,综合一下。Rather than polarize, synthesize.

这张大地图怎么综合的呢?How comprehensive is this Big Map?

是一种会冒泡的综合维他命。It's an effervescent multivitamin.

设计是综合更多功能。Desgin is combining more functions.

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上证综合指数周二以2031.68点收盘。The index ended Thursday at 2031.68.

你是个综合型人才嘛。You are a inter-disciplinary talent.

以下有最新的新闻综合报道。Here is a round-up of the latest news.

把这些综合维他命和退烧药吃下去。Take these multi-vitamins and Tylenol.

综合实践活动是一门新型学科。Synthesis practice is a new discipline.

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综合实力百强县。Comprehensive strength hundred counties.

可以说是一个多方面综合的多面体。It is like a polyhedron with many sides.

语音数据综合系统?。VADIS? Voice And Data Integrated System?