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他们的对话,我只听到片言只语。I heard only a fragment of their conversation.

你要经常给我发电邮,哪怕片言只语也好。You should email me often – just a few words will do.

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他偶尔地与音乐家作了片言只语的交流。Now and then he exchanged a few words with the musician.

忽然间,我被这片言只语震撼了。Suddenly, I was shocked that a few isolated words and phrases.

没有一个博主愿意别人悄悄地来,悄悄地走,不留下片言只语。No host bloggers would like others to come and go without leaving a word.

尽管门关着,我还是偷听到他们交谈的片言只语。I overheard bits and pieces of their conversation even though the door was closed.

那些无国界记者组织的斗士们,和米亚·法罗之流有没有对这个野蛮的杀戮发过片言只语?Have the "Reporters Without Borders", and Ms. Mia Farrow minced a word about this act of barbaric killing?

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看着这些片言只语,感受着其中的人间百态。然后深深感到幸福和感激生活。I like reading those notes and try to imagine their life stories and I feel deeply content and grateful to life.

我只听到了片言只语,但我可以清楚地推断出她们讨论的主题。I caught scraps of their conversation, from which I was able only too distinctly to infer the main subject discussed.

宋元明时期,“疯僧戏秦”故事由早期笔记的片言只语发展为完备详细的独立故事。During the period of Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, "A Wild Monk Teases Qing Hui" had developed into an independent and integrated story.

他赋予你们法律,可是对他的红种子女却没有片言只语,尽管他的这些子女曾人丁兴旺,一度充斥这片广衰的大陆,就像繁星充斥了太空一样。He gave you laws but had no word for his red children whose teeming multitudes once filled this vast continent as stars fill the firmament.

人们每次给你发送电子邮件都只有寥寥数语,你要么自己从这片言只语中去寻找重点,要么他们从此就再也杳无音信了。The men cannot mail you more that 10 words at a time, you simply have to drag something out of them or you simply do not hear from them again.

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仅仅只是提供一些与答题有关的片言只语也算,只要他们说得足够频繁,显得足够自信就可以了。Merely providing some scrap of information relevant to solving the problem counted too, as long as they did so often enough and confidently enough.

我想讲述一段完整的历史,而不仅仅是他透露给我的,艰难哽咽的片言只语——那是一个简短而残酷的故事,一段困守孤船的偷渡历程。I needed a history more complete than the strangled bits that he had owned and passed on to me—a short, brutal tale of having been trapped as a stowaway on a ship.

正如此例所示,仅用片言只语就可以简简单单地改变对世界的看法。As this example demonstrates, it is easy to create alternative views of the world with a mere turn of a phrase. Highlight the negatives, and a problem looks overwhelming.