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这是她的章鱼“兽穴”。This is her octopus "den.

彩虹章鱼同游嬉。And swam with rainbow octopus.

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你有试过章鱼眼睛吗?Have you ever tried squid eyes?

章鱼有八条长臂。The octopus has eight long arms.

他们往章鱼家游曩昔。They swam towards octopus's home.

首先名列榜首的是章鱼保罗。The first one is Paul the Octopus.

这是“小飞象”,一种翅片章鱼。This is the "Dumbo", a finned octopus.

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鱼类、蟹类、章鱼都是自游动物的组成部分。Fishes, crabs, octopus, are part of nekton.

蓝环章鱼很小很漂亮。The blue ringed octopus is tiny and beautiful.

我想知道1.5英镑的冰冻章鱼的情况。Please let me know Frozen Octopus 1.5LB status.

章鱼嘴梢油墨,视觉障碍。Octopus mouth shoots ink which obstructs vision.

在这段时间内,章鱼母亲一直在警戒状态。All this time, the mother is constantly on guard.

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世界上大约有超过100种章鱼。There are over 100 different species of octopuses.

文文和可可先引开章鱼的注意。Wenwen and Keke attracted the notice of the octopus.

在水池里有一条金鱼和两只章鱼。There are one goldfish and two octopuses in the pond.

三只手张开来,就像大章鱼。When he opens these arms, he is like a giant octopus.

妈咪再来想做的就是这个紫色的梅式章鱼包!Mummy's next project is this purple Moebius octopus bag!

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它们吃其他的鱼类、甲壳类、软体动物和章鱼。They eat other fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and octopus.

抓住这个章鱼放在你家咸水缸里,可能会是个要你小命的错误!Grabbing it for your salt tank might be a deadly mistake.

这些家伙看上去就象是些高技术恐龙,章鱼,蜈蚣。They looked like high-tech dinosaurs, octopi, centipedes.