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在狂暴的风雪中震颤。In tempests turbulent.

他的眼睛里露出了狂暴的神色。A wild look came into his eyes.

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两个都是狂暴欺人的国家。Both are rouge and bully nations.

来自凡人的狂暴和苦恼。The rage and agonies of the people.

今夜狂暴的海洋露出了獠牙This mad sea shows its teeth tonight.

那风比北极的烈风千倍狂暴。By the tenfold blasts of the Arctic zone.

无色的绿色主意狂暴地睡着。The colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

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一个狂暴的巫术师得不到珍贵的记号。A berserker wizard gets no score for treasure.

相反地,它们可是非常厚重狂暴的。Au contraire they are massive and tempestuous.

暴民们很快地变得狂暴和无法控制。The rabble soon grew violent and unmanageable.

以它全部狂暴激烈的表演,出于多种原因。With all its angry and vehement play of cause.

浅野扫了一陈狂暴的和弦。The blast of the first chords sets Asano raging.

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或举爱之炬,顶狂暴风力And hold the torch out, while the winds are rough

奥拉狂暴地出手攻击,但艾拉将她击败。Aurra attacked ferociously, but Aayla bested her.

我们是和一样服从作为一个狂暴的流浪者。We're back and about as obedient as a rabid dingo.

当他试图骑上这匹马时,它突然狂暴地跃了起来。When he tried to ride the horse, it bucked wildly.

狂暴姿态额外加成从攻击强度变为力量。Berserker Stance bonus changed from AP to Strength.

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伊达家的战士具有狂暴和无情的天性。Date warriors have a fierce and unforgiving nature.

我是过于年轻和狂暴了,才会遍寻不得自由的自我。Too young am I and too outraged to be my freer self.

“别再说了!”首相狂暴地说。"You don't say! " said the Prime Minister furiously.