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睡吧,儿子。Sleep, son.

我是你的儿子!I am thy son!

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好样的,儿子!Good job, son!

睡吧,我的儿子。Sleep, my son.

你的儿子阿茂?Your son Chico?

儿子哼着说。her son groaned.

梦见优雅,儿子。Dream grace, son.

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代达罗斯是他的儿子。Icarus is his son.

甭管它,儿子!Let it alone, son!

啊呀,我的儿子长大了!Oh, my son grow up!

儿子默然不语。His son kept silent.

既是儿子,就是后嗣。If sons, then heirs.

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我儿子都恨死我了!My son hates me! ! !

你的儿子怎么样?What about your son?

将你的儿子带到这里来吧。Bring thy son hither.

她的儿子是一位受害者。Her son was a victim.

托尼是萨姆和道瑞的儿子。Sam's and Dora's son.

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儿子满眼不惑。Son eyeful perplexed.

你给你的儿子起名了吗?Did you name your son?

你挂念你的儿子吗?。Do you miss your boys?