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苗族盛装何时穿戴?Why are they in attires?

但素有这些这都是一种浮夸的盛装游行。But it is all a grandiose pageant.

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玛丽身着盛装,打扮得漂漂亮亮。Mary was diked out in her Sunday best.

每一位人客都会盛装赴会。Each guest will come dressed in his best.

我自己与我的爱犬「华吉」也双双盛装出席!I was also dressed up with my pug, Fudge!

在喜庆的日子里,人们身著盛装。People are well dressed on red-letter day.

在青春欢乐盛装的上光白石华屋中。In polished white mansion of stone, Maggie.

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在喜庆的日子里,人们身着盛装。People are well dressed on red-letter days.

他们着意打扮,穿上了节日盛装。They were all decked out in their Sunday best.

她盛装从房里出来预备到跳舞会去。She came out of her room equipped for the ball.

差不多没人会为了去投票而盛装打扮。People rarely dress up when they go out to vote.

她穿着多采多姿的服装,像盛装的皇后一样。She was arrayed like a queen in her colorful dress.

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于是我身着盛装,他穿着帅气的燕尾服——手拉着手一起去麦当劳吃了顿晚餐。I dressed up, he had a tux on. We went to McDonalds.

无论您觉得怎样,都要站起来盛装和展现自己!No matter how you feel, get up dress up and show up.

不管你感觉如何,起床、盛装、好好表现。No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and showup.

人们都盛装迎接圣诞晚会。People dress to the nines for the Christmas party.

操作清洁,且圆桶可以作为盛装任何物品的容器使用!CUTS so clean, drum is re-usable as all purpose container!

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孩子们常常挂起长统袜用来盛装小礼物。Children often hang up stockings to fill with small gifts.

姑娘们身着节日盛装,应着木鼓鼓点翩翩起舞。Girls in holiday dress dance to the accompaniment of drums.

人们也用万圣节盛装向迈克尔杰克逊致敬。People are using Halloween to pay homage to Michael Jackson.