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准许为人。Permission to be human.

她被准许免交税金。She was exempted from paying tax.

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这张票准许三人入场。This ticket admits three persons.

没有足够的“准许为人。Not enough permission to be human.

他们准许她进入洛任德学校。They admitted her to Lowood School.

同样也准许别人这样做。And give others that same permission.

决不准许诉诸武力。In no case must force be resorted to.

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议会准许妇女选举。The parliament permits women to vote.

Linc请求准许放他到院子里去。Linc asks to be let out into the yard.

此事你必须得到管理部门准许。You'll have to clear it with management.

准许自己为人。Give yourself the permission to be human.

而德国,孩子们得满六岁才准许上学。In Germany, children start school at six.

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这位年轻的僧人被准许还俗。The young monk was released from his vows.

对不起,我已经准许和别人跳^-^这支探戈舞了`。Sorry, I promised someone else in this tango.

这准许不同语境的图重复使用。This allows diagram reuse in different contexts.

经过考试后,学校又准许他重新入学。He was readmitted to the school after examination.

如果我是上帝,我不会准许电视上有清晰版性爱。If I were God there would be no explicit sex on TV.

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他请求总理准许给他一次会面的机会。He requested that the Premier grant him an interview.

每位乘客准许携带二十公斤行李。Each passenger is allowed twenty kilogrammes of luggage.

他已经准许空邮一些样品给我们。He has promised to send us some ssufficients by airmail.