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我正在找一件夹克,我想要件带兜的。I'm looking for a jacket. I'd like one with a bag.

此要件为权利穷竭的基础。This element is the basis for the exhaustion of right.

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这两个基本要件做不到,这些国家就没有机会.Without those two basic things, these countries have no chance.

网络作品著作权侵权行为的构成宜采四要件说。There should be four elements for network copyrights violations.

首先,介绍侵犯生育权的四个构成要件。First, the violation of bearing right includes the four components.

无因管理的主观构要件是否可以被替代?Non-management structure of the subjective element can be replaced?

违法性,应当成为侵权构成之独立要件。Illegality should be an independent element of the tort composition.

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角色可能在满足可版权性要件的时候获得版权保护。The character may be protected by copyright when it is copyrightable.

对恶意透支型犯罪构成要件应予以完善。The constituent essentials of malice overdrawn crime should be perfected.

第三章是关于恶意诉讼侵权行为构成要件的理论探讨。The third chapter is about the malicious actions of tort factor in theory.

专利权出质登记是专利权质权的生效要件。Registration is the requirement for the pledge on patent right to take effect.

第二章是心理健康侵权责任的构成要件。Chapter two is the constitutive requirements of tort liability of mental health.

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合法的婚姻以双方合意为要件,而不因同居事实成立。What validates a marriage is the consent of the parties, not their cohabitation.

罪名定义是犯罪构成要件的综合,共有六大类型。Accusation definition, including six types, is the synthesis of crime constitute.

应将正当行为纳入我国犯罪构成并使其作为消极要件。It is necessary to involve just act into structure of crime as a negative factor.

第二部分是对专利审查要件的分析,包括客体适格性和实质性审查要件。The second part is named as "Analysis of the elements of the patent examination".

因此,通论四要件的犯罪构成理论体系不具有选择的合理性。So, the crime constitution system of four elements is unreasonable to be selected.

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要件事实与主要事实的“涵摄”过程,也是法官从事法律解释的过程。The application for the main facts is inference and legal interpretation procedure.

文章首先对绑架罪的基本构成要件做了解读。First of all, the article introduces briefly the constitution of Crime of kidnapping.

因果关系是任何归责都必不可少的构成要件,反倾销亦不例外。Causation is essential to imputation and there is no exception for anti-dumping rules.