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这个,和真正的学士的黑布一样持久的斜纹布。Twill last as long as proper maester's black.

华达呢结实紧密的棉毛织品或人造丝斜纹布。A sturdy, tightly woven fabric of cotton, wool, or rayon twill.

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一个身穿篮斜纹布工装的妇女站在一家高档商品店的橱窗前。A woman in blue jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop.

为了防止缝线伸长,用斜纹布贴带加以固定。To prevent a seam from stretching, sue a twill tape to support the seam.

斜纹布的特色是有对角的斜织纹。Twill weaves are characterized by a diagonal pattern formed by the weaving.

后来又用粗斜纹布取代帆布,并用裤袋边上加了铜钉。Later, denim was substituted, and copper riveting was added to pocket seams.

他穿一身蓝斜纹布衣服,一个很大的抹地拖把在他的左手的手中拿着。He was dressed in blue jeans and he carried a big push-broom in his left hand.

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他把明信片和信放在斜纹布面床单上,靠近她膝头弯曲的地方。He laid her card and letter on the twill bedspread near the curve of her knees.

这个系列的所有吊环,都必须用同色系的斜纹布制作。The hanging loop for this generation should also be made of the same twill tape.

要最大化出产量,传统斜纹布制造商一直使用织品对织边边缘。To maximize yield, traditional jean makers use the fabric all the way to the selvage edge.

布料有丝绒布、天鹅绒布、环保遮光布、棉织布、全棉斜纹布以供选择。Also, velvet fabric, velvet cloth, green shade cloth, cotton cloth or cotton twill fabrics.

因此,史特劳斯改用一种质地较柔软的法国布料,叫做“尼姆制的斜纹布”,也就是后来所说的丹宁布。So Strauss used a softer cotton cloth from France called serge de Nimes, which became known as denim.

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粗斜纹布在过去几年中一直是青少年们寻求的,任何其他都不能把它踢置一边。Denim has been the default teen look for the past few years, and nothing has knocked it off its perch.

可编织成鱼鳞布、斜纹布、法兰西双卫衣布,相关产品可制成女装、运动装、保暖服饰。It can knit fish scale fabric, drill flannelette. These fabrics can make costume, sportswear warm furnishings.

相反的,你现在该穿的应该是轧花斜纹布或者针织的服装,加上一副迷人的太阳镜,脚上蹬一双皮革凉鞋。Instead, this is the time to wear a rolled chino, a light knit, knockout sunglasses and a pair of leather sandals.

可编织成鱼鳞布、斜纹布、法兰西双卫衣布,相关产品可制成女装、运动装、保暖服饰。It can knit fish scale fabric, drill and flannelette. These fabrics can make costume, sportswear and warm furnishings.

卡其、斜纹布,灯芯绒裤也是不错的商务休闲装选择,不过也要避免那些斜纹的粗棉裤和厚棉纺布做的裤子。Khaki, twill, and corduroy are good fabric choices for business casual but stay away from denim and heavy cotton materials.

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尚尤为您提供的该款涂乳胶手套是通用无缝棉手套、天然胶乳手掌涂有乳胶,无缝斜纹布。General purpose seamless cotton glove, with a natural latex palm coating to give excellent grip in both wet and dry conditions.

缎子同斜纹布很接近,但没有斜纹组织常有的线条。Satin weave superficially resembles twill but does NOT have the regular step in each successive weft that characterizes twills.

早上睡眼惺忪时穿上套装很方便,不仅如此,套装还比斜纹布裤和只穿衬衫不穿外衣的新正统着装有更多的功能。Suits are not only easier on the early morning brain, but are a good deal more functional than the new orthodoxy of chinos and shirt-sleeves.