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算术、科学知识等等全被置之不顾。Arithmetic, science and other subjects were forgotten.

即便家中冰箱里有上好的寿司,男人们还是会为了冻鱼条置之不顾。Men go out for fishfingers when sushi is in the fridge.

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战争时期,政府经常对人权置之不顾。In times of war, governments often sweep human rights aside.

也许这是政客们面对明年的大选为了迎合民声所制造的政治噪音,可以置之不顾。That could be dismissed as populist political noise ahead of elections due next year.

他感到自己的教士身份完全被置之不顾,这使他心里异常恼火。The feeling that his clerical character had been wholly disregarded sorely vexed him.

他对他妻子的权利这样置之不顾还是第一次。There was no time at which the claims of his wife could have been more unsatisfactorily pushed.

中国的法院只是其中央政府的一个职能部门,其法官们甚至对自己应有的独立地位都置之不顾。Chinese courts are an arm of the central government, and have judges who do not even claim to be independent.

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然而我朋友就是不能眼看着有人在纽约地铁独入是非之地而置之不顾。However, my friend simply could not see someone brave the rough maw of a New York subway without trying to help.

贫苦大众被政府置之不顾而自生自灭时,有钱人却过得富足有余。And while too many have-nots have been left freely to rot, many of the haves have been having more than they could afford.

失业是一项国家危机,但并不意味着美国就应该将成本效益分析置之不顾。Unemployment is a national crisis, but that doesn't mean that America should throw cost-benefit analyses out of the window.

许多政策决定对初级卫生保健的价值观和方针——公平性、预防、多部门行动以及把自助作为最好的帮助,都置之不顾。The values and approaches of primary health care – of equity, prevention, multisectoral action, and self-help as the best help – were pushed aside in many policy decisions.

瓦希德似乎把那些要他下台的意见,特别是他的继任者---梅加瓦蒂不耐烦的声音,全置之不顾。Wahid seems to ignore mushrooming support for his departure from office—and especially signs of growing impatience from his presumptive successor, Vice President Megawati Sukarnoputri.

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在我们看来,科林斯人似乎做出了友好团结之态,这是我们期望母邦会做的,没有对困境中的迁徙地置之不顾From where we sit, it looks like the Corinthians were making a gesture of solidarity, the kind of thing you would expect a mother city to do, not to ignore its apoikia when it was in trouble.