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尖兵坦克也没汽油了。The point tank has run out, too.

最后本文得出RFID是IT“尖兵”的结论。At last that RFID is IT Pioneer is concluded.

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没问题,先生。我们有许多种型的日本车。如果你喜欢,日本尖兵如何。No problem, sir. We have many Japanese models. We have a Nissan Centra, if you like.

我感觉这次修身养性的田间散步马上就要毁在两军对垒的地产尖兵手里了。I sensed our peaceful walk in the country was about to be hijacked by warring property militias.

一个家伙的工作就像尖兵、一个向导,所以他可以保留最后一张王牌。One guy would even work as a scout, as a guide, so that he could keep the last car in the caravan.

这些小尖兵毫不犹豫做出这样的牺牲,只因本能驱使它们勇往直前。These little soldiers make this sacrifice without a second thought, as they are driven by instinct alone.

斯塔德迈尔是令人惊叹的进攻尖兵,贵为五次全明星球员,在前锋位置上,少有人出其右。Stoudemire is a spectacular offensive force, a five-time All-Star who ranks as one of the best at his position.

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在T细胞被送到战斗之前,这些免疫系统尖兵必须完成严格的学习过程。Before T cells are sent into battle, these sentinels of the immune system must complete a rigorous educational process.

一天晚上,部队来到敌占区白沟村外,金戈随即要派尖兵侦查。One night, troops arrived in enemy-occupied areas field village, Mr Immediately determined to send under investigation.

杭州作为数字城市的尖兵,其发展模式和体系将会促进全国其他城市数字化的发展。As the pioneer of Digital City, the development mode and system of Hangzhou will promote other cities?digital development.

但也许他最大的成就,是从进攻尖兵转变成防守干将,从而赢得了两枚总冠军戒指。But perhaps his greatest accomplishment was switching from an offensive force to a defensive presence to get his two rings.

多年来,公司深得国内外同仁的关照、指导,并将成为中国硝化反应领域的精细化工尖兵。Our company is determined to become the expert on fine chemicals in the field of nitration under the care and instruction of friends at home and abroad.

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生产了管壳已成功地应用于尖兵四号卫星工程,产品达到国内先进水平,为国防做出贡献。The tube-shell has been applied to Jianbing Satellite Engineering IV, need the international advanced level, making great contribution to national defence.

它肩负着为企业生产科研提供信息的重任,在企业生产和科研工作中起着耳目、尖兵和参谋的作用。They provide information for the production and research work of enterprises and play the important roles of ears, eyes, vanguards and advisers for enterprises.

不过布袋莲也能吸收污水中的化学废料,对环境保护有相当大贡献,是大自然重要的环保尖兵!Not only the heavy metals, Water Hyacinth can also remove toxins, such as cyanide, a process which is environmentally beneficial in areas that have endured gold mining operations.

米勒上士意识到分队长已被打成重伤,而且,作为特战分队的尖兵,他手里的一挺M249机枪有可能对游击队造成最大的伤亡。Staff Sgt. Miller realized his commander was seriously wounded and that, as the point man with ODA's only SAW, he had the highest potential to inflict the most casualties on the enemy.

戈塔尔人自由进入星系后,纷纷充当尖兵斥候或精锐的赏金猎头,因为以其先进的探测感官,猎物或目标将无所遁形。As Gotals entered the galaxy at large, they fell into roles of point scouts and effective bounty hunters, as their advanced senses could spot prey and targets that would otherwise remain hidden.